“北美的生产者如果可以利润全球市场,”北美的生产者可能会受益于增加的价格,“在波士顿的波士顿约翰汉考克金融服务董事总经理Adam Wise表示,该董事长监督70亿美元的石油和天然气组合。Two U.S. companies stand out, having made final investment decisions to build LNG export facilities in Louisiana: Cheniere Energy of Houston, which is working on the Sabine Pass LNG terminal on the Texas-Louisiana border, and San Diego–based Sempra Energy, leader of the consortium for the Cameron LNG terminal in Hackberry, Louisiana.
其他美国公司已申请允许液化和销售天然气的许可证,尽管有些人呼吁质疑转向LNG的经济学。最近原油价格下跌虽然近几个月,虽然LNG价格也跌倒了一云云。In fact, prices at the Henry Hub in Louisiana, the main U.S. spot market, have been consistently lower than prices for crude and conventional ship fuels since 1990, according to a market study by DNV GL, a shipping-industry certification and classification organization based in Oslo. Another matter is the immediate expense of building a ship or converting an existing vessel to process LNG, though over the long term it is a cost-effective move.
全球范围内,行星的法律和法规支持LNG,而不是其他选择。虽然IMO为燃料制定标准并依赖于国家级机构来执行它们,但其他监管机构通过对港口和安全的监督影响行业。在欧盟,海港港口必须向2025年提供LNG加油服务。中国旨在通过2020年做同样的事情。根据世界航运委员会,中国可以在其他地方推动其他地方的收养。新加坡港口,在上海后面的第二次繁忙,也将在2020年提供LNG。John Graykowski,海事行业顾问的校长表示,LNG加油服务可能是一个竞争优势:“港口为每个运输集装箱争取他们可以得到。这是非常有竞争力的。“
美国港口没有类似的任务,虽然两次主要联邦监管机构,美国海岸警卫队和交通管道管道和危险材料安全管理部门正在研究港口安全等相关问题。现行法律已经间接帮助液化天然气,但是:1920年的商业海洋法法,俗称琼斯ct. The regulation stipulates that domestic shippers use only U.S.-built and -flagged vessels with U.S. citizens and permanent residents as crew. Compliance pushes costs higher, and one way U.S. shippers compensate is to use their boats for longer — about 40 to 45 years generally, which is double the lifespan internationally, saysKenneth Hoexter.是纽约美林银行运输股权研究分析师。这意味着更多的时间来收回让船只准备好液化植物的额外上线成本。
One limiting factor for LNG adoption, says Hoexter, could be the willingness of ports to offer an LNG option: “You need enough ports that are going to have the structure to service the ships.” That explains why shippers making new orders are accepting the extra cost of dual-fuel capabilities, says Graykowski.
那么,现在,这使得拥有一个像拥有一样的液化天然气特斯拉: No problem if you’re staying close to home, but if you’re headed out on a road trip, you can’t go just anywhere you want.