


Chinese National Bureau of Statistics inflation numbers for December released this morning have rekindled discussions of further easing measures by the People’s Bank of China. While consumer price levels rose in line with those of the previous month, a sharp drop in cost of goods at the factory gate suggested that overall demand remains weak. At a year-over-year contraction of 3.3 percent, producer price index (PPI) registered a 34th consecutive monthly decline. The big question facing investors now is whether targeted stimulus by the central bank alone can revive the中国经济增长速度。随着新的一年来,许多市场参与者希望据报道,据报道,据报道,据报道,据报道,据据报道,据据报道,将在2008年的大规模刺激措施中提升活动。报告本周早些时候,罗国安是国家发展和改革委员会的投资官员,试图冷却这种热情。目前,北京的消息似乎是这次不同。

美国劳工部释放就业报告。美国甲板上最大的数据点。今天将成为12月的劳工职业部门。十一月跃升后,经济学家之间的共识预测是薪酬奖金,并将标题失业率的减少减少到5.7%。财政部金债券的期货合约目前建议投资者预计未能改善的就业市场将改变速度Federal Reservetightening.


German indicators show slide.Following soft德国11月厂订购数据昨天发布,德国今天发布的月份令人失望的工业产出和出口数据提出了担忧,即民族最近在活动措施中恢复正在解散。10月份注册收缩0.1%,标题指数在三个月内第一次在一个月内逐步下降。能源产量是下降的重要推动力,本月下降2.4%。另外,今日发布的联邦统计局贸易数据表明11月份德国出口急剧下降。本月下跌2.1%,出国货物的下降比经济学家的共识预测更加明显。

U.K.贸易逆差缩小。目前11月发布的11月贸易数据表明,由于进口水平较低的油价下降,本月跌至88亿英镑(133亿美元)。11月份英国的生产数据今天发布,表现出混合预后,负月份的标题读数也被工厂输出激增抵消的弱能量数据偏移。虽然活动总体上的活动仍然在那里看起来比在大陆欧洲更有弹性,但这些柔软于预期的数字支持导致的玻璃半空论英格兰银行to keep rates at record lows in yesterday’s announcement from the Monetary Policy Committee.


In our view at Société Générale, Russia’s fall from the investment-grade category may trigger a limited-force selling movement in the case of sovereign bonds, however it could be more substantial for corporates. Most crossover investors have largely reduced their exposure to Russia, with emerging-markets-dedicated funds and Russian local investors carrying the bulk of the exposure. From the perspective of an investor focused on emerging markets, a downgrade to junk status would have little relevance since there is no rating requirement to integrate the two main indexes for real money funds, the J.P. Morgan emerging markets bond index (EMBI) Global and EMBI Global Diversified. The forced selling for this type of investors already happened during 2014, not because of a potential downgrade but mostly because of international sanctions.

