
2015年全欧研究团队:瑞士,第一名:Daniele Brupbacher及其团队


    Daniele Brupbacher & team



    Daniele Brupbacher他领导着一个由10名分析师组成的苏黎世团队,对大约90家瑞士公司进行了报告。该集团因其广泛的影响力和高质量的研究产品而赢得了赞誉。一位巴黎客户表示:“它们遍布欧洲,在中盘股方面表现极佳,尤其是在瑞士,它们绝对符合标准。”“这是一个很好的团队努力。”分析师们认为诺华国际(Novartis International)是首选。他们建议,这家总部位于巴塞尔的全球制药巨头将在2015年推出两种潜在的重磅药物:备受瞩目的实验性心力衰竭药物LCZ696,在一项具有里程碑意义的临床试验中,与一种较老的血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂相比,该药物可减少20%的心血管死亡;和Cosentyx,一种有效的银屑病治疗,其前景被LCZ696的兴奋所掩盖。因此,今年可能对诺华至关重要。40岁的Brupbacher说,该开发商“在推出特殊药物方面有着良好的记录”。“我们预计,在各种相关药品市场,包括特殊药品,都将实现有吸引力的增长。” In addition, improving performance from its Alcon eye care division and Sandoz generics unit should produce additional upside, he notes. His team’s price objective for Novartis is Sf110; the stock closed January at Sf90.53. Another name the researchers are touting is Lonza Group, a biotechnology and chemicals player headquartered in Basel. They have pegged the stock at Sf140, which implies a 28.4 percent upside to its value in late January. Drivers of the share price include 4 to 4.5 percent organic growth, management’s strict controls on capital expenditures and the company’s “increased margins,” says Brupbacher. Lonza still trades at a discount to both specialty chemicals and biopharmaceuticals peers, he adds, and “in the current business environment, companies meeting targets and generating cash flows in chemicals get awarded high premiums.”