
2015年投资管理奖:Shawn Wischmeier


    作为美国最大私营公司的继承人,即明尼苏达州的农牧巨头Cargill - Margaret Anne Cargill是美国最富有的妇女之一。但是,南加州本地人生活在相对谦虚的生活中,在她的一生中放弃了她的多亿美元财富的一半。在嘉吉的死亡中,2006年,建立了一个基础,以继续她的慈善遗产。2012年2月,Shawn Wischmeier成为明尼苏达州Margaret A. Cargill A. Cargill Phariltopies的75亿美元的Cio,包括玛格丽特A.Cargill基金会,安妮慈善基金会和Akaloa资源基础。伞形组织的形成与近年六年延迟和任命其第一个CIO是由资金的性质引起的,该资金的性质被投资于一名公共交易肥料生产国的Cargill和Mosaic Co.。

    Wischmeier, 40, who has an MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, began his career as a chemical engineer before switching to finance, with a job in the global treasury department at drugmaker Eli Lilly and Co. He spent four years as CIO of the Indiana Public Employees’ Retirement Fund before joining the $90 billion North Carolina Retirement Systems as CIO. Moving from a mild southern climate to frigid Minnesota was only one of Wischmeier’s challenges. He has been investing a liquid portfolio during a time when many of the best returns have come from illiquid assets. The CIO and his team have compensated through prudent investing, hedging and risk management. The Philanthropies was early to hedge currency risk and profited from going long Europe. Wischmeier and the foundation are reluctant to share their investment results, but the CIO values the opportunity to share his experience with industry colleagues. Margaret Cargill is finally getting her due.

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