
2015全亚洲研究团队:经济学,No. 1:蔡学斌、陆挺及团队

投资者和买方分析师连续第三年将美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)视为亚洲(日本除外)经济研究的最大提供商。




    投资者和买方分析师连续第三年将美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)视为亚洲(日本除外)经济研究的最大提供商。自2012年起与Hak Bin蔡在新加坡和香港陆挺该公司的10人团队因提供了“帮助我理解全球经济动态的最佳分析”(一位支持者的话)而获得赞誉。另一位仰慕者评论说,经济学家们“对中国的研究尤其强大。”他们无视媒体上的噪音和耸人听闻的消息,告诉我们是什么在推动中国的实体经济。”美银美林(BofA Merrill)预计,在今年剩余时间里,两股力量将主导亚洲股市和汇市:油价的下行趋势和该地区人口的变化。布伦特(Brent)原油价格已大幅下跌,从6月中旬逾115美元的高点跌至4月底的63美元以下。分析人士指出,亚洲新兴经济体将从油价下跌中获益。亚洲新兴经济体的石油消费和国内生产总值(gdp)分别有18%和3.4%依赖进口。他们指出,中国尤其如此,因为该国占全球石油使用量的11%,是世界上最大的原油净进口国。此外,降低燃料成本将改善中国的经常项目平衡,有助于降低通货膨胀,并“为更有针对性的措施提供空间”,蔡美儿说。他和他的同事预测,其他大赢家将包括菲律宾、韩国和泰国;而马来西亚将成为唯一的净输家。 Meanwhile, demographic trends are changing rapidly in several Asian countries, the researchers advise. For example, the United Nations estimates that China’s working-age population — those between 15 and 59 years — will begin to decline in 2016. South Korea and Thailand are expected to follow suit a couple years later. The experiences of Japan and the euro zone “point to troubling trends near this inflection point,” says Chua, “including lower potential growth, a rising fiscal burden and deflationary pressures.” Demographic inputs will likely “bias monetary policy” toward more easing in China, Hong Kong, South Korea and Thailand, he advises. Countries with younger pools of workers — such as India, Indonesia and the Philippines — are expected to enjoy the strongest labor force and GDP growth over the next decade, he adds. This year Chua, 48, also co-leads, with Chin Seng Tay, a crew that captures第三名是对马来西亚的报道.40岁的卢,与崔天凯一起指导了中国国家队的四连胜1号完成-在顶部出去。他今年春天离开了美国银行美林,预计将于6月份加入中国华泰证券。