

    <2015年全亚洲研究团队 Geoffrey Kendrick,Kewei Yang&Teammorgan Stanleyfirt-Place外观:1



    在这个名单上捕获它的第一个顶级完成是摩根斯坦利,在指导下的工作人员Geoffrey Kendrick.凯威阳火箭队从亚军一直从事去年的公司首次亮相。香港的四位研究人员可靠地交付“我需要了解市场的风险偏好的分析,这是我的第1名问题,”一位基金经理报告。目前,由于有吸引力的货币携带贸易,他们预测印度卢比将超越其区域同行前进。Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration has been advancing its economic reform agenda, the strategists note, and the nation’s current-account deficit has narrowed significantly, contracting from $31.9 billion, or 6.7 percent of gross domestic product, in the quarter through December 2012 to $8.2 billion, or 1.6 percent of GDP, two years later. In China, they report, the government is focusing on an orderly liberalization of the country’s capital account, with an eye toward gaining reserve status for the renminbi by earning inclusion in the International Monetary Fund’s special drawing rights currency basket, which now encompasses the dollar, euro, pound sterling and yen. As a result, spot trading in the renminbi, both on- and offshore, should appeal to investors on a risk-adjusted carry basis, the analysts contend. Kendrick, 38, and Yang, 35, both jumped to Morgan Stanley in September 2013 from Nomura, where the former had served as head of European forex strategy in London and the latter had been the Singapore-based director of Asian interest rates strategy. Kendrick previously led UBS’s forex efforts and served as a staff economist at the Australian Commonwealth Treasury. He earned a master’s degree in business administration from the Australian Graduate School of Management at the University of New South Wales. Yang holds a Ph.D. in financial economics and master’s and bachelor’s degrees in statistics, all from China’s Fudan University. His prior experience includes working as an interest rate and forex researcher at Lehman Brothers, whose Asian operations Nomura acquired in October 2008.