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Chipotle’s decisions to remove all genetically modified organisms from ingredients and offer delivery are expected to reverberate through the fast-casual industry.

当快速休闲的餐馆运营商和投资者想知道他们行业的下一个大事时,他们经常看墨西哥烧烤架。丹佛为其墨西哥卷饼和鳄梨酱镰刀的食物链长期以来一直被视为该行业的晴雨表。Chipotle可能没有是第一个采用装配线型食品生产的装配线,结合可持续的源代码,但自1993年开业以来作为第一个快餐餐厅, it has been the most successful. So when the chain announced last month that it was shaking things up again by removing all genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from its menu and launching delivery in more than 60 urban areas, burrito fans and competitors alike took notice.

“Chipotle真的是人们认为快速食物的变化方式的领导者,”科罗拉多斯普林斯南部概念集团总裁Mitchell Roth说,他在他的南方酒店烧烤链设计中从Chipotle中拍了许多线索。

That attitude shift — from viewing fast food only as cheap but tasty empty calories and chemicals to accepting a spectrum of instant gratification that also includes things like Chipotle’s burrito bowls and Panera Bread’s new quinoa offerings — has been fueled by the growing purchasing power of Millennials, who report being more comfortable than their parents with paying a bit more for fast food that seems fresher, healthier and more humane.

快速休闲部门比餐厅行业的任何其他部分更快地增长 - 快速休闲链2014年增加了12.8%的年度销售额,据研究公司技术人员(Restaurancic)的现实行业承诺充分承诺公平贸易和道德采购,新鲜,健康,有机和非转基因成分,对大多数连锁店昂贵。然而,Chipotle从“健康”和“可持续”的流行语中,基于客户的忠诚度,分析师和竞争对手都允许它更快地增长并比其许多同龄人更多的风险。


It may seem like a gimmick — and there may be a lot of questions about the science behind it — but the non-GMO decision is a natural progression for Chipotle. Chairman and co-CEO Steve Ells started the chain in an effort to bring his fine dining training to the average burrito craver and quickly became disillusioned by how industrialized most fast food ingredients were. In 2001 Chipotle began avoiding meat from animals fed with hormones. Experts believe that the latest step, to remove GMOs, might do more than pull wary Millennials into Chipotle’s locations; the company’s power in the market could allow it to significantly change the way fast-casual dining operates.

“Chipotle is going to use their purchasing power to drive home those ethical values, and once that’s recognized by the consumer, all of a sudden there will be changes in consumer perception of other brands, and that really forces other brands to fall in line,” says Roth. In fact, Panera announced Monday that it would remove a long list of artificial ingredients from its own offerings.

The same will likely be true for the delivery trend, though Chipotle’s pioneering position in that realm seems less obvious. Burritos don’t tend to travel as well as boxed pizza or Styrofoam containers of General Tso’s chicken. But home delivery of everything from soap to groceries is becoming a necessity for the coveted Millennial demographic, especially in the urban areas where Chipotle and other fast-casual restaurants are battling hardest for their dollars. Twenty-five percent of global respondents to a recent Nielsen survey said they order groceries online for delivery at home.

With the advent ofAmazonand more food-focused delivery services such as New York–based online grocery FreshDirect, Illinois-based grocery delivery service Peapod and San Francisco–based Postmates, which Chipotle teamed up with to launch delivery in 67 cities, the competition for consumers’ food dollars is getting fiercer.

“[Fast casual] chains are fighting the retailers for market share right now, and what’s most effective [in that fight] is delivery,” says Louis Biscotti, global practice leader for the food and beverage sector at New York–based accounting and advisory firm WeiserMazars.

Chipotle announced its foray into this particular fight quietly, during its first-quarter earnings call on April 21. Technically, customers could use Postmates to order Chipotle before the announcement, but the companies now have a newer, easier-to-use app interface and are actively marketing the service. It’s not cheap, however: Whereas ordering your favorite takeout through Seamless or GrubHub rarely includes a delivery fee or service charge, ordering Chipotle via Postmates will tack on at least $5 for delivery and a 9 percent service charge. And there have already been some hiccups, likely because of the fact that Postmates orders don’t go directly to Chipotle’s kitchens but to independent contractors working for Postmates who then stand in line and place your order the same way you would if you had entered a restaurant.

But consumers — particularly Millennials — have shown themselves willing to deal with worse in exchange for a bit of convenience or novelty. Chipotle is counting on this mentality, and experts say if it works, competitors will closely follow.

“If Chipotle is in front of the curve as the first to do delivery and remove GMOs, I think they’ll be able to steal some market share,” says Biscotti. “But I would not be surprised to see others following very quickly.”