
Morgan Stanley Tops 2015 All-Asia Research Team

美国银行Merrill Lynch将在该地区最佳分析师的年度排名中播放到第二位。


亚洲将在今年再次在实际国内产品扩张中展示世界各地的所有其他地区,尽管中国经济放缓,但在5月初发布的报告中宣布的国际货币基金组织。许多亚洲股权研究的董事股份享有乐观 - 以及关于关键市场的警告说明。

“We expect Asia ex-Japan GDP growth of 6.5 percent in 2015, similar to the 6.5 percent in 2014,” reports Neil Perry, who oversees Asia-Pacific research at Morgan Stanley in Hong Kong. However, “domestic demand growth in most economies in the region is facing the challenges of weaker demographic trends, high debt and deflationary pressures.”


Economists at Bank of America Merrill Lynch are slightly less sanguine. They are calling for the region’s industrial output to quicken by 6 percent this year.

“我们喜欢印度的企业盈利和长期前景的增长,而台湾为其技术部门 - 尽管有一些携带贸易担忧,但佩里在美国银行Merrill Lynch的同行斯蒂芬哈格涅特说。“我们相信中国股票的最佳接触是通过衍生品,而不是将整本书放在上班。”


其他经济体更有问题。BOFA Merrill分析师建议在低能源价格上产生的财政问题(该国是最大的石油出口国)的财政关切,建议不受欢迎的马来西亚;消费者,企业和政府债务;最小的外汇储备以支付短期外债;他解释说,它的主权信用评级将被降级。菲律宾被高估了,货币昂贵,哈吉特般认为,韩国遭遇高家庭债务,货币竞争力下降并从中国的努力下降,占全国出口的25%。


值得注意的是,今年的一半以上的公司出场,17岁,属于各种类别中最佳的小队 - 任何其他经纪人所声称的一流饰面数量的两倍多。去年摩根斯坦利分析师只转动了七个部门的表演。

该公司的升天将Bofa Merrill在四年后停止举行。它倒入第二名,拥有31个职位,少于2014年。信贷瑞士斯在第3号稳定上持续,即使其团队职位总跳三,至29;虽然ubs将一个级别放入第四位,但尽管增加了一个位置,但达到了总数到27.舍入前五名是Deutsche Bank,在提高21到24岁之后推进一层。


China’s slowing GDP growth isn’t dampening investor enthusiasm for Chinese equities. The benchmark Shenzhen composite has been the world’s best-performing index, surging more than 60 percent in the first four months of the year, even though the nation’s economy expanded at an annualized rate of 7 percent in the first quarter — the most moderate pace in six years.

虽然被广泛预期,但促使市场观察员推测北京将采取的东西猜测更快地移动的东西。自11月以来,中国人民银行两次降低两次交流贷款利率 - 自2月以来,它现在是5.35% - 并削减银行的储备需求比例;它目前的价格为18.5%。





Perry, of Morgan Stanley, believes rate and ratio cuts could be complemented by “fiscal easing in the form of corporate or household tax reduction, and the pace of that further easing to be determined in large part by labor market conditions,” he explains. “However, the overall size and scale of the stimulus is unlikely to mirror that of 2008, as policymakers are cognizant of the issues of high debt and excess capacity that arose due to the 2008 stimulus. We do not expect the Chinese authorities to devalue the renminbi.”


CUI,谁也共同领导(与Ajay Kapur)股权战略中的2号球队说,另一个关键问题是政府的改革计划。“我们大致通过当前政府的五年期间。如果我们在明年或两者中看到任何重大进展,那么势头可能会丢失,“他警告道。

An overheated property market is often identified as one of the primary causes of China’s weakening expansion. “The sector has been one of the best proxies to China’s economy, with real estate investment being a key part of its fixed-asset investment,” observesKam Keung(奥斯卡)崔,谁将花旗队指导到财产的第六次直接胜利。“该部门直接和间接促进GDP增长的15%至20%。”


Real estate investment slid 8.5 percent year over year in the first quarter, Choi says, and new development (as measured by gross floor area) tumbled 18.4 percent. These downturns “explain the government’s stronger-than-expected loosening for the property sector in late March — lower down payments, more tax exemptions and so on,” he says. “The central government would not want second-quarter real estate investment decelerating to zero to 5 percent and housing starts falling by a double-digit rate, which would pull down GDP significantly. More supportive measures are likely to be unveiled, and the government could continue stimulating the property sector until the physical market is more balanced and more signs of improvement emerge.”



该地区最有前途的经济是印度。4月中旬,国际货币基金组织为目前的财政年度的全国GDP扩张提出了预测,该财政年度开始于1分至7.5% - 世界上最快。


In a report published last May, the firm predicted that the country was on course to increase output by 7 percent annually over the coming decade, which would likely make it one of the top five economies and stock markets in the world. “So far there have been big promises, and some good progress on reform, but there is a great deal left to do,” he asserts. “Further asset allocation to India is very likely, but the pace of it and the willingness to stay the course are going to depend on the speed and magnitude of further reform. India has shown an ability to surprise both positively and negatively on these issues, so we would expect the market to trust Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s regime — but to look for verification over time.”

哈格蒂,Bofa Merrill,Concrs。“印度是最好的长期投资故事,”他坚持。“许多投资者已经搬进了印度,在选举修改后有意义的改革和基础设施投资的潜力。然而,从我们3月举行的第19届年度印度大会,一个普通的避免公司在门外的十个月内略微改变。这突出了我们担心经济复苏的步伐以及盈利恢复可能让投资者令人失望。“

Finally, there is the question of how markets across the region will react when the U.S. Federal Reserve raises interest rates, a move that could happen as early as next month. Will investors stage a rout similar to the one that accompanied word of the Fed’s plan to exit its program of quantitative easing a couple of years ago?

“We believe a correction is likely when the Fed starts to raise rates, but a much smaller one — say, 5 to 6 percent — compared to the 15 percent correction seen at the ‘taper tantrum’ of 2013,” predicts Credit Suisse’s Fong.

Among the reasons why the response won’t be as dramatic this time: Asian central banks are more likely to ease monetary policy, Asian equities are trading at a 25 percent discount to their global peers and Asian companies’ earnings-per-share revisions have beaten global EPS revisions in seven of the past nine months, he says.


他补充说,评估利率影响的方法之一是评估他们预计的步伐将提升真正的利率。“In this context forecasts by both our U.S. economics team and the consensus indicate nominal policy rates are not expected to be lifted above an expected inflation rate of 2 percent, meaning that real policy rates are still expected to remain in negative territory by the end of 2016,” Perry explains. “The relatively slow pace in the expected rise in real rates is thus a mitigating factor in terms of the impact of the rate hike cycle on the region.”