


No matter where you look in the capital markets, it’s getting harder to find returns. But don’t despair. By taking a fresh look at high-conviction strategies, we believe investors can discover more effective active routes within equity allocations to reach diverse destinations.


The outlook for returns is sobering. From stocks to bonds toreal assets那our forecasts indicate that returns are likely to be below average for all major asset classes over the next decade (see Chart 1). In this environment, beating the market by even a small margin of 1 percent a year can make a big difference.

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This shift, of course, reflects genuine concerns about the costs and efficacy of active management. Market innovations have allowed investors to purchase two components of equity returns — broad market exposure and factor exposure — fairly cheaply.


What does conviction really mean? Our definition of high conviction has several layers. First, a portfolio must differ meaningfully from the benchmark. Second, you need a clear investing philosophy. Third, a disciplined process is crucial. Fourth, high conviction means an ability to stand by research findings, even when the tide goes against you. At the same time, managers with conviction must also know when to step back and revisit a thesis if circumstances change.


我们对八种high-co进行过研究nviction equity strategies, spanning income, value, quality, growth and concentrated approaches. For our study, we defined high-conviction portfolio managers as those ranking in the top 20 percent of one of these categories in the eVestment U.S. Large Cap Equity universe at least 60 percent of the time. They also had to have at least three years of reporting characteristics to qualify. From this group, we extracted managers that delivered above-median returns during the reported period. In other words, we looked at portfolio managers that consistently demonstrated commitment and skill in a specific type of investing discipline.



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对于较低的回报和更高的不确定性,可能没有银弹。但是,同样地,被动/主动辩论不是黑白的。在我们看来,通过获取更深层次的 - 更广泛地了解如何在股票中找到定罪,投资者可以营造一个实现目标的被动和积极策略的组合。

Dianne LOB是股市高级董事总经理,纳尔逊宇是纽约州Alliancebernstein的股票定量研究的联合主任。

