


我最近一直在阐述私人市场投资景观的必要性。如果你记得我的post from last week我认为,许多长期投资者对其替代资产(如私募股权或基础设施)的挫败感与潜在资产毫无关系。相反,它涉及次优接入点。

作为此证明,让我指导你到一些有趣的研究unpacks the performance of various points of private equity access:2015年维多利亚·伊尚纳和乔希·拉尼尔的百合方查看了七个大型机构投资者的体育计划,其中包括1991年至2011年间的390次直接投资。作者区分了三种类亚博赞助欧冠型的PE访问:1)资金;2)与资金的共同投资和3)来自资金没有帮助的独奏交易。



其中一些人可能会将这项研究视为巨人队应该开发内部团队进行私募股权独奏的证据。我并不完全反对那种解释,但我会提醒人们私人投资在内部有多努力(read this)。因此,我想建议这个发现是美国ed to encourage Giants to take a more creative approach to sourcing deals rather than to in-source everything. I think they would be well advised to consider new access points that both minimize the internal burden and also secure higher-quality deals.

今天的一种流行方法是使用平台公司。Another, which I’ll focus on on in the remainder of this post, is to set up peer platforms that allow Giants to invest together.

Rather than viewing solo transactions as truly solo, we should see them as investments alongside partners with which there are no formal asset management agreements in place. In other words, a “solo transaction” (in the parlance of Fang et al.) can, in fact, be understood as a co-investment — it’s just a co-investment within a syndicate of other like-minded investors. The World Economic Forum has taken to calling thispartnership investing。它指的是同样的事情。简而言之,这种类型的共同投资是通过协作平台访问高性能的“独奏交易”,从而减少巨头对所需交易流量未对准GPS的依赖。这些平台背后的想法是建立巨人的社会资本,以促进合作,合作和共同投资,特别是同行。这是核心的重复化concept that we’ve been developing at Stanford.


Until now, that is: In a新文章那Rajiv Sharma and I attempt to elucidate the collaborative investment platforms that foster co-investing among peers and aligned parties. I’m not going to rehash the paper here. I’ll simply say that it’s important we get this private market access point right, as most pension funds continue to see privates as a critical part of meeting their lofty return expectations. (Note: Whether this strategy is better than a public market investment with a few turns of leverage is for another post.) In my view, for private investments to deliver, the Giants are going to have to unpack the access points and really figure out how to maximize investment returns.

Until recently, most Giants hadn’t realized the clear and pressing need to重写私人市场的参与规则。但这透视是迅速的变化。(看PGGM的大公告本周。)这部分是由于上面引用的研究。但它非常感谢最近对费用和成本不对的审查;这SEC investigationhas been particularly shocking . . . and I understand from insiders that what we’re hearing in the press is the tip of the iceberg. It’s for this reason that I’ve been so focused on helping Giants find new ways to access private markets.

