


由于睾酮治疗,数百万上了年纪的美国男性从与低睾酮有关的低能量、性欲减退、肌肉松弛和体重增加中得到了缓解。只有几个问题。首先,低睾酮不是一种疾病——这个术语是由制药商艾伯维(AbbVie)的前身雅培公司(Abbott Laboratories)的营销人员发明的,描述的是与衰老相关的睾丸激素自然下降。第二,即使医学必要的治疗非常真实的内分泌紊乱性腺机能减退,这些药物男性心血管疾病的风险增加50%或更多,导致美国食品和药物管理局今年早些时候建立新的规则,使睾丸激素的处方签low-T禁忌。

“We’re spending money treating something we don’t even know is a condition, using drugs we don’t know help and might even hurt,” says Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine professor Lisa Schwartz, noting that 25 percent of men treated for low-T never even have their testosterone checked. “That’s worse than a low-value spend; it’s negative value,” she says. Schwartz is part of a growing number of consumer advocates, providers, politicians, insurers and even drug companies that are pushing to better align the cost of pharmaceuticals with their value in treating real conditions.

Schwartz和其他医生相信在不妨碍创新的情况下获得价格下跌的一种方式是停止在公众那么努力地推动毒品。由于Abbott推出了它的“它是低T?”campaign back in 2007, there has been a tenfold increase in testosterone prescriptions for products such as North Chicago, Illinois–based AbbVie’s AndroGel and Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly & Co.’s roll-on Axiron, making it a $2.1 billion industry last year (though it’s shrinking since the FDA’s warning of heart risks). To fight such marketing-driven demand, the American Medical Association voted last month to recommend a ban on direct-to-consumer advertising, saying the ads drive patients to push for new, expensive treatments despite the clinical effectiveness of cheaper alternatives. Although there is little chance of such a ban in this political climate, the FDA is studying whether DTC ad claims such as “No. 1 prescribed” and “new” are skewing patients’ decision making, given a dearth of objective information in the ads. “If you have a miracle [drug], you probably don’t have to advertise it that much,” Schwartz says.

然而,根据市场研究公司Kantar Media的数据,制药公司去年在广告宣传上投入了45亿美元,比2013年增加了18%,比2012年增加了30%。(2014年,药品支出增长了13%,达到3740亿美元。)缬草医药国际在去年2月的超级碗(Super Bowl)比赛中,Jublia花费巨资为其脚部真菌治疗广告“Tackle It”,甚至在9月艾美奖颁奖典礼后的红毯上亮相。尽管这些广告广受批评,但它们帮助Jublia成为Valeant的第二畅销品牌。临床上可比产品由帕洛阿尔托,加州Anacor制药、Kerydin,三个月后获释,但以失败告终Sandoz销售有较弱的市场营销努力,瑞士诺华公司的仿制药单位收购了在美国市场的独家经销权有争议的是,Valeant的Jublia销售额中有44%来自该公司现已关闭的专业药房Philidor Rx Services,该公司主要销售皮肤产品,对Valeant第三季营收的贡献为6.8%。


驾驶失控支出的最昂贵的药物甚至没有向消费者宣传。它们是所谓的孤儿药物,由非常小的患者群体使用,以及复杂的特种药物,通常需要特殊的处理和递送机制,治疗慢性或危及生命的疾病,如丙型肝炎,糖尿病,癌症和自身免疫障碍。有些医生认为,这些药物的价格应该根据他们使用的患者的生活质量增加,因为他们中的一些人提供了边缘 - 或者没有改善他们的竞争对手。



一些制造商正在谈判以糖尿病药物Januvia和Novartis为心脏药物竞技场的默克&Co。基于新泽西州的Merck Kenilworth提供了如果在临床试验中的药物并在临床试验中表现出来的回扣,并且诺华有他们在两部分支付:一个低支付前方,如果该药物,则沿着较大的付款证明有效。

快递股份有限公司美国最大的药房福利经理拒绝了诺华的计划,而是制定了其癌症药物之一。作为谈判者与制造商代表保险公司和雇主,基于圣路易斯的PBM旨在支付批准各种不同癌症类型的药物,基于治疗在每个迹象中的工作有多好.在《美国医学会杂志》last year, Peter Bach, director of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Center for Health Policy and Outcomes, suggested that paying by indication could save patients money, positing that head and neck cancer patients should pay only $470 for Lilly’s Erbitux because it is far less effective in treating their disease than it is in colorectal cancer, for which it would deserve its $10,320 price tag.

从付款人到提供者到患者,市场正在上市,要求更好地提高其资金。将反应对缬草Addyi,女性伟哥,即魁北克,魁北克的制药商在8月份购买了10亿美元购买了新芽药品。Valeant Pliced Addyi - 在交易前两天批准了FDA批准的,经过大规模的公关活动,略低于每月的800美元,两倍于伟哥的费用。截至11月中旬,鉴于其危险的副作用和对安慰剂的标称效应,占药物的患者的处方,不令人惊讶地填补了227名女性。随着IMS Health的行业关系副总裁,道格拉斯长期以来,在奥巴马毒品毒品论坛上告诉听众,11月20日,“十年来,从现在开始,如果你不能证明结果,你就不会收入。”

尽管Valeant最近的失败,但至少有一个主要的投资者都坚持希望该药物制造商将提供结果和收入 - 很快。Pershing Square Capital Management is going against the tide and doubling down its investment in the troubled company, increasing its stake to 9.9 percent on November 24, up from 5.7 percent on September 30. William Ackman’s New York–based hedge fund firm helped Valeant in its failed takeover bid for Allergan last year. Ackman made his investment in Valeant public in March of this year, and whereas this commitment initially paid off, contributing to Pershing Square’s positive returns through August, it may have jumped the shark: At the end of November, his fund was down more than 17 percent for the year, in large part because of the 64 percent drop in Valeant shares from their August highs. Time will tell if Valeant’s buy-low, sell-high strategy will pan out or leave the company panned, but for the moment it’s looking supremely unsexy.

