

Measure finally gets through Congress, but plunging crude prices and the narrowing spread between WTI and Brent blunt its impact.


国会周五投票赞成40岁的美国美国出口禁止禁止出口原油. The measure is something oil producers have been seeking for several years because of increasing shale oil production. But the new legislation appears to be too late to make a difference. Thanks to the collapse in oil prices over the past 18 months and the supply glut on world markets, there’s no significant foreign demand for American crude.

The congressional move is similar to President Barack Obama’s decision to reject theKeystone XL pipeline6我们eks ago. That move came after years of bitter partisan debate, but it too had little practical effect: The collapse of crude prices and the development of alternative pipelines had made Keystone uneconomic.

The U.S. imposed the export ban in response to the oil shocks of the 1970s, which made energy independence a national security objective. In recent years hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has gone a long way toward meeting that objective by boosting domestic production and reducing crude imports. A surge in fracking production from North Dakota, Texas and other areas has stretched the capacity of the nation’s pipelines and storage tanks and given refiners new leverage in purchasing negotiations with producers. American oil became cheaper to buy than global equivalents, with the gap between West Texas Intermediate crude, the North American benchmark, and Brent crude, the global standard, reaching a record high of $27.88 in October 2011.

来自石油生产者的华盛顿的压力未能提升禁令,因此投资者介入。铁路开始携带一些负荷,建造了新的管道,并将新的管道进行了修复。随着每个新的基础设施和适应,两个基准油之间的差距缩小,TIAA-CREF资产管理的能源研究分析师Jeff Bellman指出。这就是国会行动的原因 - 奥巴马总统签署的1.1万亿年末预算法案的一部分 - 被视为太晚了。

“今天的影响将低于2010年的影响,”国际和平的能源和气候计划的Carnegie捐赠伙伴助理David Livingston说。“在过去四年中,该行业已成功调整粗暴的出口限制。”


由于出口禁令是价格蔓延的主要原因之一,现在有一个较少的理由预计将重新开放。此外,落下美国用品应该缓解国内的污染。Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration show that U.S. oil production has declined 4.5 percent from the recent peak in June, to 9.176 million barrels a day in the week ended December 11. The tally of active drilling rigs has dropped off to a much greater extent, indicating that further drops in production are coming. According to a weekly survey by the drilling company Baker Hughes, there were 709 active rigs in the U.S. as of December 11, down 62.5 percent from a year earlier.

因此,虽然出口禁令的堕落可能有助于多年来想要它的生产者 - 至少在石油市场基础上发生变化 - 仍有一些受益者。支持结束禁令来自共和党人;在交易所,民主党人寻求并赢得了可再生能源项目的现有税收休息的延伸。Budget Bill&Giuliani的立法和监管律师表示,预算条例草案也可以为一些较小的炼油厂提供特定的税收扣除。“新的税收结构一般对炼油厂的所有者更有利,因为扣除的炼油厂的所有者,因为扣除的方式,他们允许他们从炼油厂的运输原油的成本份额下份额份额。他说。一个例子是德雷塔空中线,在2012年在费城以外的小炼油厂买了一条小炼油厂。
