

An Institutional Investor Sponsored Report

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    “我们设想东盟作为一个综合地区,商业,更大的社区互动和个人成长,一个完全连接到世界其他地区的地区,能够将多样性转化为机会,以便最自豪地called a Community of Opportunities,” according to H.E. Le Luong Minh, secretary general of ASEAN, in a keynote address.


    “I think the AEC is over-hyped,” says Dr. Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a director of the Institute of Security and International Studies at Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn University. “It talks a lot more than it delivers, although over time it does deliver.”



    亚洲亚洲经济学家Jayant Menon,总结了东盟经济局作为“正在进行的工作”。他指出,AEC的形成的实际结果及其与邻近中国和印度竞争的能力,如果不是数十年来实现,可能需要数年时间。然而,这并不意味着,整合到一个市场并不是一个有价值的目标。“作为投资者,您需要有一致性和透明度,”巴斯夫集团泰国大巴士委员会董事长博尼亚奥帕斯 - IAM-LICIT说。“只要有一致性,就会有支持。”


    In late 2014, the Thai government signed an initial agreement with the Chinese government to build a Bt350 billion ($10.6 billion) railway connecting Bangkok to the city of Nong Khai on the border with Laos. If all goes to plan, work on the 600 km track could begin early next year.

    泰国前副总理的Pridiyathorn devakula预计更多的所谓“巨型项目”是为了遵循。“鉴于东盟6中的中央地理位置,泰国现在正在积极开展几种兆画幕,以改善东盟的无缝连接,特别是在大湄公河次区域中,”他在5月下旬的区域会议上说。

    Thailand is far from being the only country pushing for better infrastructure. The Lao government is also expected to sign a contract with the Chinese government for a $7.2 billion high-speed railway. Eventually a standard gauge double-track will link China’s Yunnan province to Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.


    The enhanced transport links are all the more remarkable given the region’s turbulent history. “Little more than two decades ago, cross-border trade was negligible,” says Stephen Groff, vice president for Southeast Asia at the ADB. “Today trade is booming.”

    Besides the obvious benefits of increased trade and tourism, an improved network of roads and railway links will lower costs for companies in ASEAN, making it cheaper and more profitable for them to ship goods around the region.

    One infrastructure project that has encountered more than its fair share of problems is the Dawei deep-sea port and special economic zone. Situated in southeast Myanmar, a short distance from the Thai border, it was originally slated to include an industrial estate spanning 132 sq. kilometres and a deep-sea port capable of handling 250 million tons of cargo a year, as well as power plants and four-lane highways.

    然而,日本日本决定回到自己的竞争工业区之后的雄心勃勃的项目。现在,Dawei项目的瘦身版本可以再次通过泰国,缅甸和日本的政府支持来跨越。建筑公司意大利 - 泰国发展及其联盟合作伙伴罗哈纳工业园区和LNG Plus International最近与缅甸政府签署了特许权协议。该项目的第一阶段预计将包括一家小港口,是泰国的双车道道路,工业庄园,发电厂和液化天然气终端。

    Corporate M & A


    For his part, veteran Siam Cement president and CEO Kan Trakulhoon is upbeat about prospects for the AEC. “SCG continues to operate its businesses with an aim to become a sustainable leader in the ASEAN region,” he says. “Our investment expansion plan is still on track and we continue to export our products within the regional markets as we anticipate growth within the ASEAN region.”

    Siam Cement is far from being the only company to expand its footprint in ASEAN. CapitaLand is one of Asia’s largest real estate companies headquartered and listed in Singapore. Its core markets are Singapore and China, but the group also has identified Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia as growth markets. Meanwhile, Thailand’s giant energy group PTT and its subsidiaries also have invested heavily in the region.



    One of the most glaring examples of protectionism came in 2013, when Indonesia’s central bank turned down an attempt by Singaporean lender DBS to assume a majority share of Bank Danamon Indonesia, the country’s sixth largest bank by assets. Some observers claim the case may set a dangerous precedent. “The creation of the AEC will have a much more limited impact on the financial services sector than in many other areas of the regional economy,” notes a March 30 report by BMI Research. “We expect full liberalization to only realistically take place long after Vision 2020.”

    This has not stopped some of the big Thai and Singaporean banks from opening branches and representative offices around ASEAN. In June, Bangkok Bank, which has the largest foreign branch network of any Thai bank, officially re-opened its branch in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh after a 14-year absence. Bangkok Bank now has a presence in every ASEAN country with the exception of Brunei.

    曼谷银行国际银行行政副总裁Kobsak Pootrakool将区域扩张视为许多当地企业的逻辑步骤。“我的客户开始意识到他们不能单独留在泰国,”他说。“他们必须出去捕捉该地区内的机会。”


    “大湄公河次区域的单一重要变化是缅甸的开放,”泰国泰国暹罗商业银行(SCB)国际银行业务负责人Kamalkant Agarwal表示,“泰国第三大贷方”。SCB已经在缅甸拥有代表处。去年,它申请银行许可证,但未能获得批准。本行已明确表示,如果缅甸决定发布新的外资银行许可证,它将考虑重新申请。“我们仍然看到缅甸市场的巨大潜力,”葛兰克纳说。




    Bursa Malaysia的首席执行官Tajuddin atan对前景持乐观态度。“作为综合资本市场的东盟的出现已经发生,”他说。“东盟交易所将继续以竞争性合作的精神支持这种发展和伙伴关系。”

    一个同样欢迎开发已经启动of growing numbers of dedicated ASEAN funds seeking to cash in on burgeoning demand for ASEAN equities. In September 2014, One Asset Management, a Bangkok-based fund management company, launched the $4.2 million One ASEAN Stars Fund with exposure to the region’s largest markets. This year, it went a step further by introducing Thailand’s first ASEAN index fund, the One Stoxx ASEAN Select Dividend 30 Index. With a size of $15.8 million, the fund’s objective is to replicate the underlying index.

    Some investment bankers are also waking up to the new opportunities offered by greater ASEAN integration. Adisorn Singhsacha, managing director of Twin Pine Consulting, advised EDL-Generation Public Company—Laos’ biggest power producer—on a Bt6.5 billion bond issue in the Thai capital market. Adisorn believes it is a logical step for companies in less-developed countries such as Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar to raise funds in more developed capital markets such as Thailand or Singapore. “We already have a couple of deals in the pipeline,” he says.



    “Retail E-commerce offers a unique opportunity to connect millions of merchants and consumers across the region,” says A.T. Kearney’s report “Lifting the Barriers to E-commerce in ASEAN.” The report forecasts that the ASEAN E-commerce markets could grow as much as 25 percent annually. That’s a rate which can probably only be matched by China.


    投资者包括淡马锡控股,J.P.摩根资产管理,Verlinvest,Summit Partners,Tesco,Investment Ab Kinnevik和Rocket Internet。Lazada Group现在拥有大约4,000名员工,在线占地面积超过450万游客。“东南亚的电子商务市场仍处于早期,”拉扎达首席执行官Maximilian Bittner说。“我们将继续投资我们的业务来提高客户体验。”



    How ASEAN will weather the challenging global environment is one of the most difficult questions to answer. Until earlier this year, ASEAN looked to be a relatively bright spot in an otherwise unimpressive environment. The 2014 GDP growth came in at a healthy 4.4 percent, well above the 0.9 percent reported by the EU and the 2.4 percent registered by the US.

    Some countries did especially well. The Philippines expanded at an impressive 6.1 percent rate, making it one of the world’s fastest-growing nations after China and India. Meanwhile Indonesia, ASEAN’s largest economy, managed to notch up a respectable 5 percent, despite holding general elections and suffering weak prices for its main commodity and energy exports.


    According to Deutsche Bank, global trade expanded at just 1.8 percent year on year in the first few months of 2015, compared with annual growth of 6.8 percent during the period from 2000-2007. “Trade malaise is hugely problematic for the export-oriented economies of Asia, casting substantial downside risk to their outlook,” notes a report by Deutsche Bank published on July 31. The report highlights other structural weakness like lower investment around the region, rising trade restrictions and changing patterns of production.

    Compounding the situation is the recent move by the People’s Bank of China to lower the value of the renminbi in a bid to revive the Chinese economy. On the one hand, the weaker renminbi could kick start the Chinese economy, which in turn could stimulate ASEAN exports. But on the other hand, it risks igniting a currency war around the region as countries seek to maintain their own competitiveness by lowering interest rates and letting their own currencies weaken.


    Singapore is also facing another lackluster year largely due to the sluggish global recovery. GDP shrank to? 4.6 percent in the second quarter, driven by a sharp fall in manufacturing amid reduced demand from China. Analysts are already downgrading their full-year forecasts.

    Despite the tougher economic conditions, debt levels in the region remain for the most part manageable. This was spelled out in the latest assessment on ASEAN banks by global credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s issued in early August. While the asset quality of ASEAN banks could weaken over the next 12-18 months as a result of rising household indebtedness and tight liquidity, the report concludes that “the accumulation of capital and provisioning buffers should be sufficient to offset these headwinds and continue to underpin the ratings on the banks.”

    好消息是全球outlo挑战ok has done little to slow down growth in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam, highlighting the wide economic disparities within the region. Investors have coined a new term for these four countries. They are known as the CLMV and they are attracting growing attention from investors who see them as immune to many of the economic forces that are shaping markets in the developed world.


    Many economists expect rapid development of the CLMV countries to continue at least for the next few years as they play catch-up with their neighbors. But some worry that unless these countries put in place the physical, legal and regulatory infrastructure now, they will begin to hit bottlenecks.


    In the future, local issues may also cloud the outlook for some ASEAN countries. Next year sees general elections in the Philippines and possibly in Thailand, although it remains unclear if and how general elections will proceed. In addition, both the Philippines and Vietnam are entagled in disputes with China.

    Nonetheless the broad consensus is that prospects for next year will improve with economic growth across ASEAN expected to reach 5.3 percent, according to the ADB. That would be welcome news for the region’s leaders celebrating the inaugural year of the ASEAN Economic Community.
    by Ben Davies
