
Rivals’ Woes Complicate Plans for Invitation Homes IPO

The biggest landlord for U.S. single-family homes can’t ignore the lackluster performance of several publicly traded competitors.

邀请置业(Invitation Homes)是美国拥有上万套独栋住宅的新型房东中规模最大、实力最强的一家,但该公司首次公开募股(ipo)的希望可能会因规模较小的同行的挣扎而受阻。


对于布拉格来说,外卡是美国房屋4租的表现。邀请最大的竞争对手和最亲密的代理,阿古拉山,加利福尼亚州-总部设在real estate investment trust2013年8月上市,每股16美元。其股价几乎没有变动,在9月18日收于16.26美元。



华尔街支持的单身房东是在经济大萧条之后出现的。他们从2012年开始抢购房屋,2013年加大了收购力度。根据Green Street Advisors的数据,Invitation拥有47000套住房,而American Homes 4 Rent拥有35000套住房。排名第三的是私人持有的柯罗尼美国住宅,拥有19000套房产。

另外三家上市的房地产投资信托基金喜达屋路点住宅信托公司、银湾房地产信托公司和美国住宅地产公司持有的房屋投资组合较小。这些房东的股票也萎靡不振,加上American Homes 4 Rent,他们报告了2013年、2014年和今年上半年的亏损。本周,柯罗尼美国和喜达屋航点宣布了一项合并,预计将于2016年第一季度完成。合并后的公司将拥有3万套住房。

Bartling是一位公寓行业的资深人士,他的简历包括担任多户型房东Walden Residential Properties和Lexford Residential Trust的首席执行官,他指出,随着房客从出租公寓毕业到出租屋,他以前的业务越来越复杂,提高了他们的标准。“他们已经习惯了一个更好的适合和完成,”他说。“他们习惯了更好的服务质量。”


Invitation won’t divulge details about revenue and profit, but it has begun to reveal some metrics as it packages properties as mortgage-backed securities. Its vacancy rate is 3.5 percent, according to New York–based Moody’s Investors Service, compared with vacancies of 5 to 8 percent for other single-family landlords.

“The demand for single-family residential is very strong,” Bartling says. “It affirms the business model: People do want to live in single-family homes, and they don’t mind renting.”

Many observers say that single-family landlords offer a way to play the decline in the U.S. home ownership rate. Only 63.4 percent of Americans owned their homes in the second quarter of 2015, the lowest level since 1967, according to the U.S. Census. “The broader macro environment for single-family rental is strong,” says Mark Zandi, West Chester, Pennsylvania–based chief economist at Moody’s Analytics.

Although lower home ownership rates are good news for a landlord, Bartling doesn’t see Invitation and its rivals as a replacement for home ownership. Rental houses help consumers to shift from apartment living to home ownership, he says: “We want to provide opportunities for people to move into ownership when they’re ready.”

低空置率证明单身房东提供的是消费者想要的产品。下一步是盈利。2014年,American Homes 4 Rent的收入为3.99亿美元,亏损3300万美元。一个主要障碍是:由于房东难以管理维修费用,去年维修和周转成本超过4600万美元,吞噬了12%的收入。

沉没的四个公共landlo股价rds reflect doubts about single-family landlords. “I’ve always been a little skeptical of the whole business model,” says Alex Barron, founder and senior research analyst at the Housing Research Center in El Paso, Texas. Barron thinks many of the companies got started too late. “The housing crash was hopefully a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” he says. “The time to be buying was 2008 or 2009.”

But Green Street's Bragg thinks patience could pay off for Invitation. “My sense is that they’re doing well in their effort to build an operating platform,” he says. “They’re taking a very different approach than the four publicly traded single-family rental companies.”