


随着中国的增长前景留下全球市场最突出的风险叙述,投资者之间的辩论可以总结为“它变得更好,或者变得更糟?”在目前,新闻继续严峻。今天早上在47年发布的Caixin-Markit Flash制造商业代购管理人员指数(PMI)缺乏共识预测,并击中自2009年春天以来的最低水平。虽然所有个人子指数都在该期间签订,就业下降了订单特别不祥于内地中部产业部门的不久的未来中国经济。然而,看涨的投资者指出,这些措施在很大程度上因外部需求疲弱而扭曲,近期政府支出的目标增加尚未通过该系统感受到。随着中国人民银行预测的措施更加宽松,标志着央行最近的抵押贷款减少支付的措施已经引发了较为谦虚的房地产价格恢复,玻璃半空的论点似乎正在拿起更多的追随者。

欧洲PMI数据混合。Flash Markit购买经理今天发布的主要欧元区经济体的指数数据混合,法国实现了51.4的综合阅读,在自6月起的第一次转向后,德国首次转向阳性,德国注册比54.3的预测综合略弱。共同货币区域的总水平也比预期的要低于预期。


美国最古老的私人银行的领导变革。Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. on Tuesday announced a change in leadership, with William Tyree rising to the post of managing partner, the partnership’s equivalent of CEO, replacing Douglas “Digger” Donahue, who will soon reach the age when the firm’s partners customarily relinquish managerial responsibility. Tyree is a 30-year employee of the firm and a partner since 2001.

监管审查下的中信。One day after news broke that Shenzen-based Citic Securities, China’s largest brokerage, was potentially backing away from a $1.8 billion dollar acquisition of Russell Investments from the London Stock Exchange, reports surfaced that the China Securities Regulatory Commission has opened an investigation into the brokerage for possible frontrunning of equity purchase orders from government-controlled entities. Although there has been no official confirmation that regulators are close to charging the firm for these offenses, seven individual executives of the company are being investigated, including the firm’s president, according to official state media.

桑坦德筹集资本比率。今年第三次,西班牙最大的银行Banco Santander已经提出了其资本比率目标。银行计划于2018年将其普通股权1比率提高到11%以上,同时分别宣布在2015年早些时候削减其后未来几年增加股息的计划。一些分析师仍然预计近期股息进一步削减了股息由于银行寻求筹集资金。