
2015全美研究团队:生命科学与诊断工具,第二名:derk de Bruin

美国银行美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)的德布鲁因对美国生命科学和诊断工具公司的报道而连续第四年获得亚军。

Derik de熊先生



连续第四年,Derik de熊先生美国银行美林证券(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)凭借对美国生命科学和诊断工具公司的报道位居第二。他“非常了解科学,甚至能够解释最详细的技术,”一位投资者说。“这种品质在华尔街很少见,也让他的研究与众不同。”51岁的德布鲁因认为,“行业的表现受益于整合,包括丹纳赫公司(Danaher)。最近收购Pall [Corp.];改善制药行业支出;创纪录的生物技术资金水平;由于21世纪治愈计划等项目,联邦政府对美国生物医学研究的资助前景更加乐观。”在截至9月中旬的12个月里,该股的表现比大盘高出8.8个百分点,上涨6.2%。尽管由于中国宏观经济的不确定性,他对行业风险较高的公司更加谨慎,但仍对该集团持乐观态度。此外,这位研究人员指出,“虽然两党都支持为国家卫生研究院增加资金,但这些项目需要支付,所以如果国会不采取行动,就有风险。”在很大程度上,由于其产品线的多样性,de Bruin建议投资者购买位于马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆的科学设备供应商赛默飞世尔科学公司(Thermo Fisher scientific)。 “With its significant exposures to pharma, biotech, U.S. academic and government labs and the applied markets — such as food safety, environmental monitoring — as well as a reasonable [price-to-earnings] valuation relative to peers, we believe that Thermo shares will continue to outperform,” he says. The manufacturer also boasts consistent strategy and durable cash flows, he adds, and upside potential from capital-deployment events. “We believe Thermo is well positioned to achieve its core 2016 to 2018 financial model of 4 to 5 percent organic revenue growth and 75 basis points of annual operating margin expansion, and to deliver low-double-digit [earnings-per-share] growth,” the analyst concludes. His price target for the stock is $159; it closed at $125.78 in the middle of last month.