

Douglas Terreson of Evercore Isi以自1997年以来索取了一个梯级。

Douglas Terreson.
evercore Isi.



Douglas Terreson.Evercore Isi以自1997年自1997年以来升起了第五届顶级终点 - 自2007年以来的第一个第1位,当时他前往摩根斯坦利的全球能源集团。他举行了第二年并于2009年6月签署了ISI集团,埃伊戈尔去年10月收购的伊斯利集团。从他的基地在阿拉巴马州的Fairhope,54岁的分析师采取了“一种思考,全面和一致的方法,随着时间的推移,”一位基金经理肯定。第二个崇拜者补充说,他拥有“出色的联系人,中东关系是无与伦比的,并在欧佩克举办一个真正的竞争优势。”Looking ahead, Terreson projects that industry prospects will be good for money managers whose interest in U.S. integrated oil companies is over an intermediate to longer-term horizon, considering the poor 2015 results for the sector and the “unusually unfavorable sentiment” surrounding the names in this space. However, in the interim, “performance will probably remain challenged until it becomes clearer to investors how oil markets will rebalance in 2015 to 2016,” he acknowledges. For this year to date through mid-September, the group declined by 21.9 percent, lagging the S&P 500 by 17 percentage points. Against this backdrop, the researcher does not recommend that clients buy the supermajors. Their capital expenditures per unit of shareholder distribution are “near decadal highs,” he notes, “and when this factor is at high levels, the outcome is unusually unfavorable for shareholders.” Instead, he continues to prefer Houston’s ConocoPhillips, which is the world’s largest pure-play exploration and production company; and New York–based Hess Corp., a midsize driller. The stocks were trading at $48.36 and $52.43, respectively, in mid-September; Terreson tags them both with a price objective of $85.