
Eclectica Asset Management Shows Global Macro’s Rewards, Pitfalls

Thanks to course correction by CIO Hugh Hendry, the London firm’s flagship fund has been posting healthy returns after a couple of disappointing years.

2013年末,Eclectica资产管理公司首席信息官兼创始合伙人休•亨德利(Hugh Hendry)放弃了自己的投资过失。在给客户的一封信中,亨德利否认了他过去对股市的看跌情绪,这一做法使这家总部位于伦敦的全球宏观对冲基金公司的旗舰折衷基金当年的回报率精确为零。

Hendry has been rewarded for his about-face. In 2014 the Eclectica Fund gained 9.5 percent after fees, versus only 5.6 percent for the HFRI Macro index published by Chicago-based Hedge Fund Research. In the first half of this year, it delivered 9.9 percent, compared with just 2 percent for the HFRI Macro index.

Hendry set up the winning position in August 2014. “We concluded that policymakers were willing to see the [U.S.] dollar rise, so the share of marginal GDP growth would swing in favor of the rest of the world,” he tells亚博赞助欧冠.As a result, Eclectica went long the greenback, U.S. Treasuries and non-U.S. equities.

Today his most striking contrarian view is sunny optimism about Chinese equities. Speaking a few days after the monthlong内地股市的暴跌已经结束他认为,由于中国工资上涨、家庭消费增长以及政府解决债务问题的有效政策,市场将恢复上升势头。该公司已经降低了三网合一的地位,但没有取消。

Eclectica正享受着火爆的势头,但该基金与许多可自由支配的宏观工具一样,经历了许多起伏。总部位于新泽西州的Brevan Howard资产管理公司(Brevan Howard Asset Management)2014年报告称,其主要基金出现亏损,这是自2003年成立以来的首次亏损。该公司270亿美元的资产使其成为全球最大的宏观对冲基金公司之一。都铎投资公司(Tudor Investment Corp.)是一家总部位于康涅狄格州格林威治的对冲基金公司,由保罗•都铎•琼斯二世(Paul Tudor Jones II)创立,2014年,这家都铎•英属维尔京群岛(Tudor BVI)全球旗舰基金的回报率仅为3%,远低于往年的两位数增长。

The Eclectica Fund was launched in 2002 by London-basedOdey Asset Management,亨德利担任投资组合经理。三年后,他带着这笔钱离开了,开了自己的店。自2005年以来,该基金基于非传统观点进行了几次成功的押注。例如,在2007年,它打赌两年期和十年期美国国债收益率之间的差距会上升——2008年,随着美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve Board)为应对金融危机而大幅削减短期利率,这一预测的回报率为31%。




其他全球宏观基金在吸引投资者方面面临着更为严峻的挑战,因为它们未能与Eclectica最近的成功相匹敌。HFRI宏观指数在2011年、2012年和2013年出现负回报。在2014年小幅上涨后,今年上半年小幅下跌0.4%。而一些基金也出现了严重的跌宕。亨德利的老老板克里斯平·奥迪(Crispin Odey)管理的奥迪欧洲基金(Odey European Fund)仅在4月份就因欧洲股市和澳元的上涨而损失了近20%。

Many macro funds owe their dull performance of late to the becalming effect of monetary easing, contends Akshay Krishnan, head of macro strategies at London-based Stenham Asset Management, a fund-of-hedge-funds manager with $3.3 billion under management. “Global macro is a cyclical strategy that can struggle when volatility is low,” he says. Macro managers tend to benefit from periods of disruption like the 2008 financial crisis, which served Eclectica well. Krishnan thinks such a spell could come soon as markets start to focus on a potential rate hike by the Fed.

黛安·米勒,伦敦主要与领事ting firm Mercer, defends global macro on the basis of risk and return. She points to the Credit Suisse Global Macro Hedge Fund index, which posted an annualized return of 8.2 percent above cash from 1994 to 2014, compared with only 6.7 percent for the S&P 500 index. “When you look at the return you’re getting for the risk you’re taking, global macro is pretty competitive,” Miller says.

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