
2015全拉丁美洲研究团队:北安第斯国家,第1名:Diego Celedón, Benjamin Ramsey & Team

    迭戈Celedón,本杰明·拉姆齐& teamJ.P。MorganFirst-Place表象:4



    摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)从第三名一路跃居榜首,最近一次夺冠是在2011年。迭戈青瓷圣地亚哥和纽约总部的新来者本杰明·拉姆齐三名机组人员的副驾驶。33岁的Celedón是摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)南锥体和安第斯山脉股票策略和研究部门的负责人。今年,他带领的智利队从第三名上升到了第二名;他和弗拉迪米尔·沃宁(Vladimir Werning)一起带领的摄制组在阿根廷的报道上获得了亚军的位置。Celedón于2011年10月从ban智利Inversiones跳槽到摩根大通,他曾在那里担任研究主管。此前,他曾在桑坦德银行(Santander)圣地亚哥办公室研究智利公用事业,并曾在Bicecorp担任买方股权分析师。这位分析师拥有智利Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile的工商管理学士学位。现年40岁的拉姆齐自2000年8月以来一直在摩根大通工作,曾多次负责拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的经济事务,自2007年以来一直在跟踪哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉。他在纽约的霍巴特和威廉·史密斯学院获得政治学和西班牙语学士学位,在华盛顿的约翰·霍普金斯大学尼采高级国际研究学院获得国际事务硕士学位。一位基金经理证实,这些北安第斯国家的研究人员“在许多方面都很突出,但我能说的最好的一点是,他们的企业准入是例外的。” “Their Bogotá-based conference in April was unique, with all the corporates and top politicians and important investors attending. It was also very well timed because of the severe impact of depressed oil prices on Colombia, which is also ramping up infrastructure spending — it really helped us identify opportunities.” Among the team’s favorite names of late are Credicorp, Peru’s largest financial holding company; and Bancolombia, the biggest commercial bank in Colombia. The former is recommended as “a core holding among Latin American bank stocks,” says Celedón. Highly dominant across all banking sectors and diversified into insurance, Credicorp is “an excellent way for investors to capitalize on Peru’s strong growth potential,” he adds. Moreover, the institution is shifting to higher-margin loans and boasts a return on equity of greater than 20 percent. Trading at $137 in mid-July, the New York Stock Exchange–listed shares are forecast to rise to $162. For its part Bancolombia is similarly “positively leveraged” to take advantage of expansion opportunities in its home market and is trading below regional peers, Celedón reports. The squad believes a price of 30,000 pesos is justified for the stock, which closed at 26,120 pesos in mid-July.