
2015年全拉丁美洲研究团队:食品和饮料,第1号:Thiago Duarte,Rafael Shin&Team

    Thiago Duarte,Rafael Shin&Teambtg PactualFirst-Place外观:2



    首先重复的是BTG愤怒队的方向蒂亚戈·杜阿特在圣保罗和纽约为基础拉斐尔省。正如他们去年所做的那样,31岁的Duarte也领先着顶级剧团农业企业名单;和Shin,34,共同队长(带FábioMonteiro)一个船员,捕获零售阵容的亚军位置。他们的四大拉丁美洲食品和饮料集团赢得了投资者奖金,以便在突破巴西的长期风险方面,为其专业了解移动特定股票的广泛行业和细节,以及提供访问该地区的领先公司。它“远远超出了通常的报告和服务,”证明了一个粉丝。该团队在这一部门涵盖了16股股票,计划今年至少增加一次,并在饮料局长广泛消极。“在饮料股票中,其收入通常与国内活动密切相关,我们预计宏观宏观较弱的盈利增长以保持减速,”Duarte解释道。因此,分析人员只支持空间中的一个名称:智利的埃默塞里纳,可口可乐公司产品的装瓶和经销商。尽管经济方案不利,但他们争夺,andina的管理层将通过减少成本提高盈利能力,并改善公司的产品组合。股票于7月中旬在2,066比索交易,他们将增加到2,300比索。 Regarding the Brazilian foods industry, “we see momentum as generally strong, underpinned by a weaker currency in Brazil and strong protein demand globally,” Duarte says. Although in Mexico, he adds, “we find it difficult to find upside due to the high valuations in the overall sector. However, we do expect a further divergence in valuations among [food and beverages] names based on their geographic exposures and currency risks.” For example, BTG’s researchers are touting Mexican multinational bakery Grupo Bimbo as well as Gruma, a globally dominant corn miller and tortilla maker, because of their high exposures to U.S. markets and natural hedge against weak emerging-markets currencies.