
2015年全拉丁美洲研究团队:食品和饮料,第2号:Andrea Teixeira&Team

    <2015年拉丁美洲研究团队 andrea teixeira&teamj.p。MORGANFIRST-地方外观:8



    andrea teixeira.J.P.摩根牧羊犬牧羊犬从赛跑者到第二位。这位41岁的研究员,纽约的工作人员去年承担了这支球队的领导,在可能出发的长期领袖艾伦阿拉尼斯为瑞银。她也指导她零售小队重复一流的完成,她监督另一个群体在医疗保健名单上享受亚军的职位。她的三个伴随着这个部门的队友是位于巴西,一个是墨西哥,另一个是驻智利驻扎在智利。他们一起涵盖了39个区域股票,留下了掌握了行业和全面报道的客户。“我们在饮料[隶属]鉴于从去年的FIFA世界杯的淘汰赛中选择了,这为啤酒产生了艰难的比较,”Teixeira说。“在食品[局长]中,我们是积极的,基于批准结果的数量,定价和原料成本。出口商的出口商处于硬货币的收入中有尾风。“总的来说,她补充说,研究人员“有利于价值,这一点,鉴于该地区主要经济体减速,最好的公司正在执行最佳和抢占市场份额。”他们的顶级选择是巴西的BRF。该公司以前称为BRF - 巴西食品,是世界上最大的家禽出口商。10月,他们预计管理层努力直接向客户销售给BRF的家庭市场,并优化其出口组合将偿还并转变对该股票的看涨。 Indeed, by the middle of last month, the shares had jumped 13 percent, to 69 reais, while the regional broad market slumped 6.8 percent. Teixeira and her associates forecast a further rise to 74 reais. She joined J.P. Morgan’s research group in January 2004, upon completion of her full-time MBA in corporate finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business. Previously, she provided advisory services in the firm’s M&A business. Teixeira started in the industry as an equity analyst on the buy side at Rio de Janeiro’s Latinvest Asset Management, then launched her sell-side career at local investment bank Banco Bozano Simonsen. She earned a bachelor of business administration degree from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.