第三年跑步,扫罗马丁内斯把他的J.P.摩根船员队第一的地方。这位41岁的领导者和一位同事们驻扎纽约,两支队友从圣保罗工作。分析师在一起监测了19个拉丁美洲银行,向投资者留下了可访问性,及时报告盈利发布和易于理解的模型。“最重要的是,”观察一位货币经理,“他们是非常好的预测者,对该行业有非常富有洞察力的评论。”该小队对区域银行有选择性,其股票在7月中旬拨打了1.2%的日期,落后于拉丁美洲的广阔市场3.5个百分点。“尽管条件因国家而异,信贷增长,最终,盈利势头可能因挑战许多国家的经济环境而受到不利影响。”“这在秘鲁和哥伦比亚尤其如此,那里,在我们看来,高当前的账户赤字和交易条款恶化可能会缓慢经济增长缓慢增长。这可能会产生负面影响的银行运营基础。“在巴西,研究人员建议,宏观逆风和一个不确定的政治背景可以推动信贷质量恶化并导致更高的税率。然而,与此同时,竞争环境的变化 - 以政府对照的银行拉回的特点,其中占贷款市场的大约55% - 导致价格的硬化和更好的金融利润。 “Our stock preferences are concentrated in Mexico, where economic conditions are relatively favorable, higher interest rates are likely to benefit financial margins,” Martinez notes. “Ultimately, we see limited downside risk to our low- to high-teen annual [earnings-per-share] growth estimates in the coming years.” A favorite name in this regard is Grupo Financiero Banorte, one of the nation’s largest financial services institutions. Among Mexico’s midsize banks, BanRegio Grupo Financiero is preferred. “Saul’s industry knowledge is among the best,” declares another backer. “He has managed to train equally well a team of young, talented analysts. I also value his responsiveness and understanding of clients’ strategies and priorities.”