Luis arcentales,亚瑟Carvalho Filho&Teammorgan StanleyFirst-Place展示:11
摩根士丹利的船员从第一个地方落到第二次,自2002年以来的雷纽曼的方向下降了11个顶级出场后,他在最后5月退休的。团队的新领导者是Luis arcaltes.在纽约和圣保罗的基础上Arthur Carvalho Filho.。“Luis和Arthur的第1个优点是他们[重点关注各国的长期结构问题,并将其与相关全球活动联系起来,”一位基金经理观察。As many Latin American countries struggle with sluggish growth and weaker currencies, as well as the specter of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s raising interest rates, the “principal challenge is to execute much-needed structural reforms that will boost productivity and sustain growth models that are less dependent on commodities,” says Carvalho, 34. The researchers are monitoring Brazil closely, adds Arcentales, advising that “we are definitely constructive, as its policy is moving in the right direction, however painful the current adjustment — the fiscal, quasifiscal and monetary tightening — is turning out to be.” The group also singles out Chile as “the most well positioned in the region to handle the post-Fed liftoff environment,” the 38-year-old co-captain notes, since that economy shows signs of being on the mend. Arcentales worked as an equity strategist at Pennsylvania’s McGlinn Capital Management before signing on with Morgan Stanley in September 2001. He holds two degrees from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, a bachelor’s in industrial engineering and a master’s in economics. Carvalho earned two economics degrees, a BS from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro and an MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He started at the firm in January 2011 after serving as the chief economist at Brazilian brokerage Ativa Corretora.