
2015全拉丁美洲研究团队:智利,第2名:Iker Cabiedes, Diego Celedón &团队

    Iker Cabiedes, Diego Celedón & teamJ.P。MorganFirst-place表象:4



    摩根大通(J.P. Morgan)从第三名升至第二位。今年Santiago-based迭戈青瓷与…分担领导责任伊克尔Cabiedes他目前驻扎在纽约。这位33岁的研究人员与本杰明·拉姆齐(Benjamin Ramsey)是联合船长,该团队对北安第斯国家的报道从第三名升至第一名;他和弗拉迪米尔·沃宁率领的球队在阿根廷队的名单上排名第二。Cabiedes是该榜单的新成员,自2013年搬到纽约以来一直是该公司的区域经济学家,并担任阿根廷、智利和秘鲁的首席经济学家。他于2007年5月加入摩根大通,在墨西哥城工作了六年,是当地经济研究团队的一员。这位分析师在Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México获得经济学学士学位,在Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios superires de Monterrey获得金融经济学硕士学位。一位客户评价说,他们的三名得力的智利团队“在企业接触和会议方面做得非常好”,他也很看重分析师在宏观经济定位和预测央行货币政策动向方面的准确性。他们预测,在2015年剩下的时间里,智利中央银行将把基准利率维持在3%,“因为经济正在经历一场缓慢的反通胀趋势,”32岁的卡比德斯说。“我们预计央行将在2016年逐步正常化其货币政策立场”,并允许参考利率在年底前升至3.75%。该集团最喜欢的智利名字是一家领先的金融服务公司和一家电力公司,这两家公司的总部都设在圣地亚哥。 Banco de Chile earns an overweight rating from the trio because even in the challenging domestic economy characterized by slow economic growth and moderate inflation, the bank’s stock is “well positioned to post superior profitability,” Celedón says. Moreover, despite “healthy underlying profit dynamics,” he adds, the bank’s recent underperformance has left its American depositary receipts attractively valued. Over the 12 months through mid-July, the ADRs tumbled 13.5 percent, to $66.64, lagging Latin America’s banks overall by 11.4 percentage points. During the same period, Chile’s shares were down 5 percent and the regional broad market shaved 5.9 percent. The researchers peg Banco de Chile at $80. Their preferred utility is Empresa Nacional de Electricidad, better known as Endesa Chile. “The company combines attractive earnings growth potential, regional diversification and a compelling dividend yield,” Celedón explains. He and his colleagues believe that a price of $53 is justified for its ADRs, which were trading at $42.49 in mid-July.