去年Carlos Constantini.他的ITAúBBA团队在圣保罗滑倒了第二名,但他们回到顶部,赚了四年的第三个结束。22名研究人员“在街上最广泛的股票覆盖范围,”一个基金经理“[走出]超越了其他人要么忽视或错过的小写名称。由于公司的领导力要求卓越,因此他们的覆盖范围也是深入的。“即便如此,分析师的最喜欢的名字是全国最大的公司。例如,尽管在十二月,巴西经济放缓的幽灵,但他们期待BancoBradesco - 该国第二大私人贷款人,在ItaúUnibanco举行 - 倾向于倾销。SãoPaulo-总部银行“可以在健全的边缘和良好的成本控制上提供两位数的盈利增长,”Constantini“解释说,41.此外,管理层对贷款组合的拖欠率”的违约率“将不会恶化,管理层”不会恶化“materially,” he notes, following Bradesco’s efforts to extend higher-quality, safer credits. Trading at 28.72 reais in mid-July, the stock earns a price objective of 36.90 reais. He and his colleagues also recommend favoring Suzano Papel e Celulose, a pulp and paper manufacturer headquartered in Bahia. The stock is “relatively cheap,” Constantini says, and the producer is well positioned to take advantage of such cost-cutting opportunities as a shift toward less expensive, nearby wood products and away from higher-cost, third-party pulp with a longer average logging distance. At 20 reais the researchers’ target price for Suzano Papel implies a 42.9 percent upside to its value in mid-July.