



在低利率、股市动荡、汇率战争和经济不确定性的时代,做另类投资顾问并不需要幽默感,但幽默感很有帮助。罗伯特·肯内利,31岁,聪明风趣。在业余时间,这位康涅狄格州诺沃克投资咨询公司Rocaton investment Advisors的另类投资主管喜欢即兴喜剧。他还能说流利的西班牙语和普通话。肯内利的父亲是一家石油公司的高管,他在印度尼西亚和马来西亚长大。他曾就读于吉隆坡国际学院,并在普林斯顿大学获得东亚研究学士学位。肯内利在大学期间学过中文;他甚至要用普通话为论文答辩。从普林斯顿大学毕业后,他进入纽约的德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)从事投资银行业务,2009年成为一名合伙人。第二年,肯纳利离开了德意志银行,去纽约大学斯特恩商学院(New York University 's Stern School of Business)攻读MBA。 While studying, he had internships in emerging-markets fixed-income sales at HSBC Securities and as an emerging-markets and high-yield credit fixed-income analyst with bond manager Rogge Global Partners. Keen to be a part of the capital allocation process, after graduation Kennelley began a job as a research specialist, with a focus on alternatives, at Rocaton, which has $440 billion in assets under advisory, and quickly rose at the firm, gaining a promotion to director in 2014. Although the role hasn’t afforded him much opportunity to put his language skills to work, he has been able to use another talent: writing. Since joining Rocaton, Kennelley has penned four white papers on alternative investing for the firm and its clients — including his most recent, published this month, entitled "Incorporating Alternatives in an LDI Growth Portfolio."
