要说Amit Pardasani,31岁,被早熟将是轻描淡写的。他在纽约皇后队成长,他在宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿省的沃顿学院离开了家。然后,他已经热衷于股市。在沃顿,Pardasani对高收益债券感兴趣,该市场由学校校友创立迈克尔·米勒。Friends say that what struck Pardasani most about Milken’s ideas was that when analyzing bonds, the payment comes whether you’re right or wrong, as opposed to in the stock market, where success depends on buyers being willing to pay more than you did for your holdings. This fascination with bonds led Pardasani to the world of distressed debt and a seat on the UBS debt trading desk in New York. In 2006 he became the first nonpartner employee at New York–based Latigo Partners, an event-driven hedge fund firm founded by David Ford, formerly of Satellite Asset Management and Och-Ziff Capital Management Group, and David Sabath, who previously worked in proprietary credit at JPMorgan Chase & Co. In 2009, with the distressed credit cycle under way, Pardasani joined Owl Creek Asset Management, the $4 billion, New York–based event-driven and long-short equity and debt firm founded by Jeffrey Altman, as a partner.