联邦储备椅Janet Yellen对规范化率的前提非常明确。首先,劳动力市场需要继续创造就业机会和减少松弛。工作增益超过20万,劳动力参与率向上培训和工资增长的迹象是关键指标。至于通货膨胀,FOMC必须“合理信心”,它将在中期返回美联储的2%的目标 - 大约三到五年。这并不意味着通货膨胀实际上必须在美联储的目标范围内 - 刚刚在这种方向上清楚地走向。在近50年来,委员会在近50年来近50年来延伸近50年的百分之百倍,我们希望确保通货膨胀的任何上升趋势在前进之前都是持续和强势。
During the most recent tightening cycle, the FOMC mechanically raised rates by a quarter of a percent at each meeting. Prominent Fed representatives continue to hammer away at what they call a misguided premise that the coming tightening cycle will resemble previous ones. The Fed has stressed that this cycle will be slow and gradual and may include pauses along the way.
美联储副主席Stanley Fischer最近谈到了慢慢逐渐的正常化步伐。In fact, at a recent lecture at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, a college in a suburb outside Tel Aviv, Fischer seemingly went out of his way to emphasize this point: “You say ‘liftoff’ and you think of rockets that go into orbit after ten seconds. That’s not what we are talking about. ‘Liftoff’ says we’re going straight up with the interest rate. Well, we’re going up with the interest rate, then along, and then another little jump. That’s not liftoff; that’s crawling.”
How much rate normalization will be enough?
The minutes of recent FOMC meetings reveal that the group has spent considerable time deliberating the neutral rate of policy. The accounts of these discussions portray a general consensus around terminal rates in the future being lower than in the past. Fed forecasts have been consistent with this as well. The historical average for long-run policy is around 4.25 percent. The March round of rates forecast by FOMC members had the consensus long-term policy rate at 3.75 percent, however.
When will the FOMC embark on its new “slow and low” regime?
Shehriyar Antia是宏观洞察集团的创始人和首席市场战略师,该公司是纽约的投资战略公司。在创立MIG之前,他在纽约美联储银行的一家高级市场分析师致力于定量宽松计划和货币政策。
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