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Jones, whose firm blends technology with personalized service, supports efforts to hold his industry to a higher fiduciary standard.
As CIO of Financial Engines, Christopher Jones works at the intersection of two provocative retirement investing themes. First, as so-calledrobo-adviserskeep gathering assets, Financial Engines combines a technology-driven platform with personal service. Second, the firm’s promise of objective advice free from conflicts of interest dovetails with the U.S. Department of Labor’s recent effort toapply that standard throughout the financial services industry。
桑尼维尔,基于加利福尼亚的金融发动机是最大的独立美国投资顾问。威廉夏普的Brainchild,诺贝尔劳特埃和斯坦福大学融资教授Emeritus,该公司于1996年推出,为越来越多的技术提供基于技术的解决方案401(k)参与者forced to make investment decisions for which they were ill prepared. When Jones learned that Jeffrey Maggioncalda had been tapped as CEO, he approached his former colleague from consulting firm Cornerstone Research and became Financial Engines’ third hire.
2. At the Department of Labor’s August hearings, you testified in favor of the agency’s proposed conflict-of-interest rule. Why do you believe that stockbrokers and insurance salespeople need to follow the same fiduciary standard as registered investment advisers?
有8800万defined contribution美国参与者在美国的绝大多数人负责制定关于如何保存和投资退休的重要决策。关于该做什么的客观和独立的投资建议需要哭泣,而不是试图向您销售特定产品的销售人员。利益冲突规则将保护退休投资者从伪装成顾问的销售人员。我们认为所有退休顾问都必须以客户的最佳利益行事至关重要。
3. What about the financial services industry’s contention that if its members are held to a fiduciary standard, it would become more difficult for smaller, middle-class investors to get advice?
These arguments are incredibly cynical. They are trying to justify a broken, conflicted system that costs investors billions of dollars each year. In today’s world you can get high-quality, unconflicted advice, even if you have a modest balance. Our median account size across our book of business is $58,000, and about 25 percent of those accounts have less than $25,000. Financial Engines has always acted as a fiduciary for our customers.
我们不会直接竞争robo-adviserstoday. They use a small number of model portfolios, while we have to develop technology that can handle any set of investments for 647 different plan sponsors, all with different investment lineups that include mutual funds, institutional products and separate accounts.
We believe both human beings and technology are necessary to meet customer expectations, but neither one alone is sufficient to create a world-class experience. We call ourselves a technology-enabled advisory firm, and we believe in the hybrid model. That’s one reason why Vanguard’s hybrid robo kind of approach is doing so well in comparison to the pure robos. We think that relying on technology to generate the advice and having a human being involved in the delivery of that advice — we have call centers where we take thousands of calls a day — is the way of the future. It’s something we’ve been investing in for nearly 20 years, and we think that’s the model that will continue to play well.
目前的波罗顾问课程正面临挑战,这种挑战又觉得陷入困境。在20世纪90年代后期,我们是20多个小型初创企业的一个,即将彻底改变咨询业务。在Dot-Com崩溃之后,除了金融发动机和晨星之外,他们几乎所有的人都出生了。我们非常幸运。我们在1999年提出了一个战略性的8500万美元,我们没有太快地花费它。这是我们幸存的重要原因。I think a lot of the current crop of robo-advisers, just like the previous generation, are going to struggle because it’s hard to reach that critical mass and develop the kinds of services that will have mass market appeal unless you have hundreds of millions of dollars to throw at it. And they don’t.
5. How will technology drive financial advice in the future?
The world is changing dramatically. The impact of technology, irrespective of what happens with this Department of Labor rule, will continue to make it cheaper, easier and more convenient for people to get high-quality investment advice that’s unconflicted. That will have a big impact on the industry over time. The trend is irreversible, and I think it will benefit consumers because it will create a more transparent marketplace with more reasonable fees and a better quality of service than what they have today.