


投资者从周末返回,在某些金融市场中寻找乐观的迹象。随着中国的贸易商在七天漫长的国庆日黄金周结束后,上海综合指数上涨3.3%。中国人民银行的房地产市场新支持公告,周末李克强总理举行了北京的进一步刺激措施。Meanwhile, bullish narratives helped lift oil prices with front month West Texas Intermediate crude futures trading above $50 a barrel early Monday after Baker Hughes reported the 6th consecutive reduction in rig count last week and the Energy Information Administration reported that daily U.S. production declined by 440,000 barrels from a multi-decade high of 9.61 in June. Separately, Commodities Future Trading Commission trader data revealed net-long positions at the highest level since July. One hint of pessimism was raised this morning by Jefferies quantitative strategist Kevin Chan who wrote in a client note that despite the rebound in equity markets and the improved tone to risk indicators such as the TED spread, global investors actually withdrew money from equity markets to the tune of $4.4 billion last week in favor of money markets.

费希尔认为通缩压力是暂时的。周日在秘鲁利马举行的国际货币基金组织(imf)年会上,美联储(fed)副主席费希尔(Stanley Fischer)对媒体发表评论时,对央行加息的时机没有明确表态,只表示年底前收紧政策“可能是合理的”。这位前以色列央行(Bank of Israel)行长表示,他相信,随着油价和美元升值导致的短期下跌,美联储将实现通胀目标。

戴尔在最新“Mega Merger”中获得EMC。周一,私人举行的圆形岩石,德克萨斯州的计算机制造商戴尔宣布将收购基于Massachusetts的公共交易存储巨头EMC公司的Hopkinton。在价值670亿美元的交易中。复杂的交易将由EMC子公司VMware的跟踪库存现金和股份组成

GE接近30亿美元的贷款组合到Wells Fargo。在周末,媒体网点报告说,旧金山银行井法戈在最终协议附近获得一般电气的专业资金投资组合,作为Fairfield,康涅狄格州的集团队伍继续向工业产品重新抛售金融资产和服务部门。该交易可以及时及时执行,以便在周三季度收益发布中包含详细信息。



大众汽车面临着中国的监管审查。On Monday, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, China’s consumer-product watchdog, announced that 2,000 diesel vehicles would be recalled by Wolfsburg, Germany-headquartered Volkswagen as a separate inquiry into emissions tests by the firm was announced by the Ministry of Environmental Protection. China is a critical markets for the German car maker with joint ventures there accounting for 1.74 million vehicles sold in the first half of 2015, according to company filings.