
Markets, Volatility and Playing Chicken with the Debt Ceiling

John Boehner不希望默认成为他的天鹅歌曲,因此国会可能会在截止日期前采取行动。但对左尾事件保持警惕。

随着美国的预期达到其11月3日的借贷限制,房子共和党人在混乱中一直在混乱,因为他们试图寻找一个众议院演讲者John Boehner的继承人,并在周二有条件地为自己提供自己。鉴于国会的骚动,直接解决这一潜在的财政崩溃似乎是不可能的。自然问题是,投资者应该如何担心即将到来的债务上限截止日期?

The short answer is, It depends, and that uncertainty could increase volatility in the markets in the weeks ahead.

我们在PIMCO的基线视图是,国会将及时提高债务限制,以避免任何可能的美国。为什么?Boehner, who plans to step down later this year, can bring a “clean” debt ceiling bill to the floor and pass it with a majority of Democrats and a minority of Republicans, without having to worry about the fallout from his party’s more conservative flank. Whereas Boehner will certainly try to extract concessions in negotiations under way with the White House, we believe he is nevertheless prepared to move a clean debt limit bill — even in the likely event that a broader deal with the White House never materializes. After all, the last thing Boehner wants is for his final action in Congress and ensuing legacy to be a U.S. default.

尽管如此,所谓的左尾事件的可能性,其中有一个政策错误 - 技术违约或更糟 - 随着我们更接近11月3日的截止日期而没有解决方案。从休息的回报之日起,国会只有八天才通过债务限制增加,这不允许大量的国会抖动。增加到高戏剧演讲者的种族以及瑞安或别人越来越多地替换博纳的可能性,可能会感到强迫强迫更加极端的结果,并且债务限制违规的机会肯定不会偏远。


如果过去是序言,然而,我们应该开始ee markets react more as we get closer to the deadline without a deal. During similar situations in 2011 and 2013, we saw a significant sell-off across both the equity and bond markets in the weeks leading up to the deadline. For instance, the Standard & Poor’s 500 index declined by more than 16 percent before the 2011 debt ceiling resolution, whereas it fell by 3.8 percent in the two weeks before a deal was announced in 2013. What if Congress does not come up with a deal by the deadline? Although there are questions about whether the Treasury Department could mitigate the potential impact of a debt ceiling breach by prioritizing certain payments after the Treasury’s small cash cushion is exhausted, the market reaction would nevertheless be extreme — and potentially catastrophic.


这种可怕的情景不是我们的基础案例。我们认为,国会将及时提高借贷限制,尽管在第11个小时,但才能在一些相应的市场波动之后。鉴于华盛顿的混乱现在,并且时钟耗尽,尾部事件 - 一种情况,其中债务上限没有提出,而出现极端的市场波动 - 不应该被忽视。

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