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Aetna Ceo Mark Bertolini是医疗保健先生

Mark Bertolini’s deal to buy rival Humana is his latest move to address a broken U.S. health care system.

Aetna chief executive Mark Bertolini got his start in the health care industry in the late ’70s as an emergency medical technician in his native Detroit. He spent four years as a department coordinator in one of the city’s trauma center emergency rooms while earning an undergraduate degree in business administration and finance from Wayne State University. When he decamped for Cornell University in 1982 to get an MBA, he swore never to return to what he considered to be a broken industry. Today the 59-year-old says his early dissatisfaction resulted from the fact that he wasn’t in a position to do anything about the U.S.’s troubled health care system.

不再是。As CEO of Hartford, Connecticut–based Aetna, Bertolini is responsible for the health care coverage for 24 million Americans, a number that would grow to 33 million if the company’s recently announced deal to buy Louisville, Kentucky–based rival Humana for $34.1 billion in cash and stock is approved. After the deal closes, which Aetna management expects will happen as soon as the second half of next year, the company would be the U.S.’s second-largest health insurance provider by revenue, with $115 billion in annual sales, behind only UnitedHealth Group.

Post-merger, 56 percent of Aetna’s revenue will come from its government-related business — an attractive segment as the number of baby boomers aging into Medicare grows. But even as opportunities tied to Medicare continue to expand, the Affordable Care Act is pressuring insurers’ margins. “The regulations that are embedded in the law are regulating the profitability of the industry in a stringent manner — much more so than they ever have before,” says Ana Gupte, a health care analyst at Boston-based investment bank Leerink Partners. “Here you have this huge revenue opportunity [in Medicare], but you have to be much better at adding value if the price points are being contained as a result of all this regulation.”


Bertolini于2003年由Then-Ceo John Rowe招募到Aetna,以修复其药房,行为健康和牙科企业,并在2010年提升到顶部地点,也宣称这一交易潜力为消费者降低医疗费用。这将变得越来越重要,因为个人前往在线市场,以比较ACA后的保险计划。6月,最高法院维护了向购买联邦交流的个人支付的补贴合法性。

While he’s at it, Bertolini figures he may as well also fix the problem of the shrinking middle class. In January, he announced plans to raise Aetna’s minimum wage to $16 an hour, a 33 percent increase for the company’s lowest-paid employees. He cites several motivations for the move: For one, he projects that the $26 million cost could help save the company about $120 million annually on rehiring and retraining workers. But he’s also indicated that a broader, macroeconomic perspective had plenty to do with the decision.

“If we’re going to reinvigorate the economy, we have to restore the middle class,” Bertolini says. “There’s just been this question of, ‘Who wanted to try it first?’ It was sort of like, ‘Let Mikey try it.’ So I said, ‘I’ll do it.’” Aetna’s stock price was up nearly 40 percent from the January 12 announcement leading up to the人类收购的新闻

“Mark is unlike any other CEO I’ve ever covered,” says Barclays health care analystJoshua Raskin。“一个原因是他的前视。他每天担心医疗保健的未来。我认为马克认为他的工作只是为了增加股东的收益;我认为他认为这也是提高首席执行官套件的完整性以及改善医疗保健系统的交付。“

亚博赞助欧冠撰稿人Katie Gilbert最近与Bertolini谈过了Bertolini,了解他改善美国医疗保健系统的愿景。


In most every other facet of our economy, we talk about investments we want to make, and we talk about how we’ll finance them. In health care, we smash the two of those together. The financing is really the insurance. The investment is really, What do we do when we spend the money that is created by the financing? In the U.S. health care system, we’ve confused these two concepts, and we attribute the cost of financing to all of the ills of health care. And so insurance, because it puts the final price out to the market, becomes the bad guy in all of this, even though its margins are the lowest across the whole health care industry. You have large hospital systems that are getting 10 percent margins; you’ve got device manufacturers and drug companies getting 20, 25 and 30 percent margins. The insurance part of it is like 5 percent.

What we need to do is deconstruct the system and say, “Whether or not we want a single payer system or we want a private insurance system or we want an out-of-pocket system, let’s take the financing decision and set that aside.” Let’s ask, How should we spend our money, and what do we consider to be a good return on that investment?


经济实惠的护理法案所做的是创建一个迫使动作迫使事件,这些事件害怕系统中足够的演员,以具有从根本上不同的谈话。如果我们要设计[系统]结束,我会建议我们使用富有成效的人的最佳结果的定义设计。如果我们不断投资我们照顾的人的生活质量,那么我们将提高生产力。如果我们提高生产力,我们将提高经济可行性。如果我们提高他们的经济可行性,他们将更快乐。这应该是医疗保健系统的好结果的定义 - 而不是没有疾病,这就是它的设计方式。



In that case, the underwriting model is being paid appropriately for the risk you’re assuming, and because you’re getting paid to manage that risk, you actually work on the severity and improve the underlying quality, and in that underlying quality and outcome management, there is the margin. You’re getting rewarded for improving the productivity, economic viability and happiness of the people you’re taking care of.


经济实惠的护理法案破裂打开黑匣子承保和保险。每当您暴露规则和运行的方式时,您都会倾向于向商品化迈出。There are two ways to deal with commoditization: One is you put your thumb in your mouth, get in a fetal position, get in a corner and hope it all goes away — cut costs, cut costs, cut costs and hope you’re the last one standing.




We said to the hospital systems, Why don’t we partner? You get into our old business. Why don’t you manage the risk because you’re taking care of the patients? So you should get rewarded for doing that. What we become is less of a go-between, and we become a facilitator of the relationship between the provider and the patient.


当我接管时,而不是有关响应上市的收购的机会,我们期待着我们的策略:我们希望作为我们投资组合的一部分?最终,我们希望在政府空间方面更大,因为政府正在为医疗保健支付越来越多。人类永远是我们思想的资产。总有谈话:现在是时候了吗?我们应该考虑一下吗?坦率地说,是的,直到3月28日,当我坐在[Humana Ceo] Bruce [Broussard]并与他谈论他是否准备好了。他说是的,这就是开始谈话的原因。

You’ve said that this deal will lower health care costs for consumers, though in the past consolidation in your industry has had the opposite effect. What makes things different this time?





发生的有趣的事情之一是市场上有很多CEO - 你从拉里福克斯听到了它黑石还有一些其他人 - 这一直在说这一点,这是这个短期ism,这个零和游戏,不起作用。如果我们要重振经济,我们必须恢复中产阶级。

我们永远无法摆脱我们的经济的复杂性omy, but what we can do is reduce the complication of how we work with one another. If we think about that within the context of taking care of each other, I think that has a lot of resonance. It’s worked for us, and it’s working for other companies, and I have a feeling that we’ve crossed a Rubicon here from the standpoint of how we think about the leading companies.


