
J.P. Morgan Tops All-America Fixed-Income Research Team for 6th Year

Bank of America Merrill Lynch, in second place, sets a firm record, while Wells Fargo Securities finishes in the top three for the first time.



双层资本联合创始人和传奇债券投资者冈拉克是2015年的小组成员提供alpha.由机构投资者和CNBC亚博篮球怎么下串主办的会议,耶伦作证当天在亚博赞助欧冠纽约举行,他对观众说not to expect an increase before 2016. “When Yellen says she will raise rates if economic growth improves, people hear ‘she will raise rates.’ But that’s not what she said,” the CEO insisted.

不过,富国证券(Wells Fargo Securities)信贷研究主管李布拉丁(Lee Brading)表示,他的团队认为,政策制定者将在9月份小幅上调利率他说:“我认为,很多人都支持‘让我们结束这次25个基点的加息吧’,但我相信更大的问题将是后续加息的速度。”。这将取决于exogenous factors,such as China’s economic growth, Greece’s future in the euro zone and the price and supply of oil, adds Brading, who is based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“我们对发射日期的预测是2015年12月,”高盛(Goldman,Sachs&Co.)驻纽约全球信贷策略主管查尔斯•希梅尔伯格(Charles Himmelberg)反驳道我们认为,9月份的加息需要在6月份的会议上发出更明确的信号,因为我们认为,当美国联邦公开市场委员会(Federal Open Market Committee)9年来首次上调基金利率时,它不想让鹰派感到意外。”


直到美联储遵循与行动的言论,投资者将继续怀疑将发生什么,而且许多人会在销售方面寻求销售方面,以帮助每个新发布的市场数据点的上下文化。他们在最高尊敬的洞察力的公司是J.P. Morgan,它连续第六年引领全美固定收入研究团队。在生产出版结果的57个部门中,J.P. Morgan分析师在49年赚取一个地方 - 比去年一个。

在第四年的第二个地方跑是美国银行Merrill Lynch,其总跳跃四个,对于45岁的公司纪录,威尔斯法戈队将一个梯级上升到3号,即使它的总数在28岁的情况下也是不变的。在巴克莱的损失推动,在失去五个斑点后,将其丢失至第四位,将其留下25。尽管失去了四个位置,但第5号高盛重复,减少其总量为20。

Fourteen firms appear on this year’s roster. Click on the领导者右侧导航表中的链接以查看完整列表。


另一个著名的金融家,6月下旬卡尔Icahn, raised eyebrows by warning on Twitter that he believes the market is “extremely overheated — especially high-yield bonds.” Peter Acciavatti, who captains the J.P. Morgan group that claims an astonishing 13th straight victory in High-Yield Strategy, begs to differ.



Even so, he acknowledges that the sector could suffer collateral damage. “We still expect the market to see outflows from retail mutual funds as the high-yield asset class gets incorrectly lumped in with other, more rate-sensitive asset classes,” the crew chief advises. “This should lead to some temporary weakness but not much more.”



In recent months the difference between high yield and investment grade yields has narrowed, a phenomenon driven by trends in the energy sector as well as retail flows, Beinstein explains.



高盛(Goldman Sachs)的希梅尔伯格(Himmelberg)持类似观点相对于投资级别,高收益市场更容易受到面临长期挑战的行业的影响。他指出:“具体而言,在高收益市场上,金属、采矿业和海上钻井业合计约占总面值的6.5%第二,我们认为,今年新股发行量的压力对投资级别的影响大于对高收益率的影响,我们预计,随着下半年新股发行量的放缓,这种技术压力将有所恢复。我们的年终预测意味着,投资级息差将回溯2014年的所有扩大趋势,从而重新审视6月份的紧缩状况,而高收益率息差的恢复将更少,这意味着下半年投资级至高收益率息差将出现减压。”

Wells Fargo’s Brading, who repeats in second place in the Building sector, notes that for high yield to continue to outperform, “we would need to see a material rally from the energy and materials sectors, and current global economic conditions indicate that commodities prices are unlikely to strengthen in the near term. We appreciate high yield’s domestic focus and the relative cushion that the incremental spread component offers in a rising-rate environment; however, the current challenges facing the asset class and yield distribution make portfolio construction increasingly challenging.”


Specifically, the J.P. Morgan analysts advise underweighting sectors where spreads are tight and M&A is active — aerospace and defense, consumer products, manufacturing and technology — and overweighting cable and satellite names, subordinated debt of large-cap bank holding companies and pipeline offerings, among others.

“We expect issuance to remain active for the remainder of the year, but somewhat slower than the pace in the first half,” Beinstein says. “This is being driven by M&A, companies raising funds to pay more to shareholders, and also the view by some corporate treasurers that bond yields will likely be higher in a year or two, so it is prudent to issue now. We expect full-year 2015 issuance to be about 15 percent above last year’s record amount of supply.”

Scott Marchakitus, Goldman Sachs’ director of credit research, says his firm recently revised its forecast for investment-grade issuance from $1.2 trillion to $1.3 trillion this year. This demand is “driven primarily by a significant increase in acquisition financing that has already taken place and the continuation of a strong funding pipeline,” he explains. “Although we just passed the $800 billion mark [as of July 14], we think M&A financing and a desire to enhance shareholder returns should keep new supply flowing through year end, albeit at a slightly slower pace than the first half of the year.”


特别是金融部门将弥补失去的时间。“Through the second quarter U.S. bank issuance was up 8 percent year over year versus 18 percent for the investment-grade market, so it’s arguably measured versus the record pace overall,” observes Wells Fargo’s James Strecker, who vaults from third place to claim his first appearance in the winner’s circle in Banks. However, with a Fed proposal on total loss-absorbing capacity, or TLAC — a capital-adequacy-ratio requirement included in Basel III — expected in early September, “bank issuance may experience less of its typical second-half slowdown this year,” he adds.


That’s not necessarily cause for optimism for fixed-income investors, however. “If U.S. banks were not able to definitively outperform during the first half of 2015 despite being aided by supportive technical and fundamental tailwinds, the prospects are even less likely in the second half, as this positive backdrop is likely to change,” he contends.

Valuations remain stretched, the Charlotte-based analyst adds, and banks are susceptible to underperforming during bouts of volatility and weakness, because they are an efficient vehicle to bring down risk quickly, given the sector’s size and inherent liquidity. “As such, we remain comfortable with our market-weight allocation but reiterate that our bias is for spreads to widen,” he says. “Furthermore, we prefer short-dated debt given that performance has lagged out the curve amid the moves in Treasuries and given that TLAC issuance is likely to be longer dated.”

2015全美固定收益研究团队(All America Fixed Income Research Team)反映了约540家机构2090多位投资组合经理和买方分析师的意见,这些机构监管着约9.6万亿美元的美国固定收益资产。