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    由Richard Westlund.



    从历史上看,房地产被包含在替代或真正的资产类别中。但根据Colliers International的资本市场和投资服务总裁Brian Ward,根据BrianDu道的说法,该分类正在迅速变化。“今天的房地产几乎处于核心桶中,”他说。“这是几乎每个机构投资者的投资组合的关键组成部分。”亚博赞助欧冠



    Long-term institutional investors have a wide range of real estate strategies, including direct ownership, participation in a private fund and buying shares in a publicly traded real estate investment trust (REIT).

    “In the past ten years, the allocations to listed real estate have increased as a result of desire for liquidity, not because one is better than the other,” says Stephen Dunn, executive vice president and director of institutional marketing at Cohen & Steers. “In fact, the strategies complement each other, and the exact allocation depends on the specific investment objectives of an institution’s capital pool and liquidity needs.”

    Typically, about 80 to 90 percent of the real estate investments by corporate defined benefit plans, as well as those of endowments and foundations, has been invested in private rather than listed real estate, says Dunn. He adds that, in general, public defined benefit plans and corporate funds have higher allocations to listed real estate because of their need for liquidity. In addition, listed real estate is increasingly being added to defined contribution plans, either as a stand-alone option or as a sleeve in custom target date funds.

    In recent years the number of listed REITs has grown around the world (see chart). Now there are more than 400 listed real estate companies in developed and emerging markets, according to Jon Cheigh, executive vice president and global portfolio manager for Cohen & Steers’ real estate securities portfolios. “Today there are good opportunities in the listed market, where companies are trading at discounts from underlying real estate values,” he says. Other trends include a pickup in M&A activity in real estate companies, including acquisitions by private equity firms.

    “We are neither early nor late in the development cycle,” adds Cheigh. “However, investors should be more cautious about allocating to private real estate, because that capital might not be invested for several years, which will likely prove to be a more challenging vintage. With liquid assets you’re invested the day you decide to get in and can withdraw your funds if you decide to get out.”

    投资者服务公司总裁卡伦?威特坳liers International, notes that investors considering taking on development risk—either directly or through a joint venture—should take a close look at rising construction costs. “If the development is not getting out of the ground soon, it may not meet the pro forma financial projections,” she says.


    Cohen & Steers’ Dunn says that some institutional investors that already have U.S. exposure are interested in increasing their allocations to global real estate. “However, the U.S. is the most mature listed real estate market, with more REITs and less regulatory risk than Europe or Asia,” he explains. “The decision to acquire assets in Europe or Asia depends a great deal on how comfortable the investor and consultant are with a global real estate strategy.”

    在美国,Colliers International的病房表示,在美国顶级房地产市场包括波士顿,纽约,华盛顿,西雅图,旧金山和洛杉矶。“这些地铁地区现在是白色热门的,因为技术和电子商务的高增长,”他说。“千禧一代正在推动这些区域经济,就像他们在其他主要发达国家一样。”

    Looking at international markets, Whitt notes that central London is priced out and capital is moving north to Birmingham and Leeds. Investors are also looking at properties in Madrid and Warsaw, which is seen as a safe haven for Eastern European capital. “Hong Kong has issues regarding its relationship with China but has more market diversity than Shanghai,” Whitt says. “The core markets in China are okay, but tier-two markets will have problems, as there are so many uncompleted or unoccupied properties.”


    Although office remains the favored class globally, it’s hard to find core properties at an attractive price because of high demand and limited supply. “When I meet with large institutional clients, the conversation is always about the office market,” Whitt says. “We are also seeing continued interest in multifamily deals as well as more consideration of the industrial and retail sectors.”

    在美国市场,Cheigh说,多型租赁和自储藏性质都很有吸引力。“公寓受益于正在进行的工作增长,以及千禧一代的人口偏好,以租用与拥有,”他补充道。“Self-storage is a less-established real estate sector in the U.S. and U.K. It’s not flashy or exciting, but it does generate cash flow, and there are noneconomic barriers to competition, as most neighborhoods don’t want these facilities in their own backyards.

    Regardless of product type, local knowledge and research still provide the foundation for a successful real estate strategy. As TIAA- CREF’s Peyton says: “There are important demographic differences shaping real estate demand. Because metro areas also vary, you have to apply key trends on a very local basis.”