


作为美国的第一个风险资本家之一,罗纳德科恩爵士宣称为苏渊。科恩早就认识到技术转变社会的权力。他坚定的Apax Partners支持了第一母羊的多莉的制造商,这是第一个哺乳动物克隆。在大玉林出生于1996年之前,克隆似乎是不可能的科幻;今天它产生了全团队的Polo Ponies。

现在科恩看到了一个同样令人兴奋的未来影响投资,这重量投资的环境和社会回报以及经济收益。“我有一个感觉,这是一个想法的时间,”苗条和尖锐的钱经理告诉亚博赞助欧冠在伦敦的Pall Mall上的独家雅典俱乐部。

Whether it’s big corporations discovering their conscience or young entrepreneurs looking to fix entrenched problems like prison recidivism or homelessness, Cohen believes, the goals of capitalism and philanthropy are intertwining. Before too long, institutional investors will consider not just risk and reward but “risk, reward and impact,” he predicts.


从历史上看,影响投资者专注于私营公司和市场。科恩是一个更广泛的革命,所有条纹,金钱管理者,投资者,企业家和政府的企业不仅会注意到他们的影响,而且寻求带来积极的变化。一旦人们和机构都适用于他称之为“影响芯片”,他们开始观察世界,以及资本和资本市场的潜力。在美国冠军的影响,分别包括Pierre Omidyar和Jeff Skoll,创始人和eBay的第一雇员。两者都致力于影响和社会企业的大量资产。(Omidyar表示,他认为他发明的在线市场公司作为第一个影响投资,因为它是民主化的商业的改变方式。)

Deval Patrick.has the impact chip. The former governor of Massachusetts got to know Cohen in about 2011, when that state was introduced to so-called social impact bonds. Cohen has been a chief proponent of these bonds, which are designed to pay out in return for borrowers addressing or alleviating social problems. Later, Cohen told Patrick about his work with impact investing. Patrick, who left office in January 2015, was inspired: Last spring he joined Boston-based Bain Capital to lead a social impact fund.

在70年,无可挑剔的劝告,谁领导由八人组成的全球社会影响投资指导小组,仍然是一股力量。他刷发了影响投资的建议成为富人的秘密观点。科恩认为它是一个为外人的家 - 就像他自己一样。

Knighted in 2000 for services to venture capital, he was born in Egypt of Syrian Jewish ancestry. In 1957, the year he turned 12, he and his family were forced to flee when then-president Gamal Abdel Nasser began persecuting the country’s Jewish population in the aftermath of the Suez Crisis. They moved to the U.K. with almost nothing; when Cohen started state-funded school in North London, he spoke very little English. But he passed the entrance exam to the University of Oxford, where he earned a degree in philosophy, politics and economics from Exeter College.

科恩于1972年在伦敦共同推出了26岁的伦敦的风险投资成员,然后在1978年与美国VC先驱Alan Patric联合起来的部队,形成了Apax Partners的内容。在那些日子里,风险投资是未知的领土,就像今天的影响投资和风险慈善资产一样。风险投资受益于1978年美国的转变,允许机构投资超过股票和债券。最近的类似变化已经开辟了这些投资者在犯下资本时超越直接财务收益的可能性,科恩认为它很快就会成为对账户社会和环境影响的标准做法。


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