
行业 - 财务:第二个

    Marius strydom,
    Maciej Szczesny
    & 团队
    Merrill Lynch.

    从亚军到第二名的拱形是七大七大银行Merrill Lynch Squad,今年是新人占有的Maciej Szczesny,谁在伦敦和约翰内斯堡的Marius Strydom工作。The team, with analysts stationed in Russia, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates and the U.K., covers 52 companies and recommends financial institutions in Russia — Sberbank is a top pick — and the sub-Saharan region, particularly Nigeria, on the belief that these offer the most promising growth prospects. “We have also remained bullish on Turkish banks, as the key beneficiary of the global liquidity and falling-interest-rate environment,” says Szczesny. Türkiye Garanti Bankası is the favorite in that country. The researchers win praise for “deep knowledge and fresh views,” as one money manager puts it. —Leslie Kramer.