来自哥伦比亚大学的新鲜艺术学士学位,妮可所罗门开始她的职业生涯一个远离对冲基金行业的世界。Solomon worked at a small publishing house in New York before joining fund-of-hedge-funds firm Ivy Asset Management’s junior analyst program in 2004. During her six years at New York–based Ivy, she rose to a senior level, with responsibility for the emerging-managers portfolio. After the firm closed its doors in 2010, Solomon landed a position at Ocean Road Advisors, a $1 billion family office headquartered in New York; there she is portfolio manager and director of investments. Ocean Road principally manages the assets of Edward Meyer, former president and CEO of New York advertising and marketing agency Grey Global Group, and those of his son Anthony Meyer, a private investor and entrepreneur. Solomon, 33, oversees public market investments, including hedge funds and long-only managers. Those who know Solomon say she has thrived in the smaller environment of a family office. The transfer for Solomon, and people like her, from fund-of-hedge-funds firms to large family offices demonstrates how the family-office community has taken on more investment professionals with experience in the institutional space since the market meltdown of 2008. |