去年年底伦敦证券交易所集团完成了将其所有12个交易场所的迁移从外部传统到技术子公司千禧年的一个设计,结果急剧改善了延迟延迟,秩序执行的显着提高了400%容量和成本降低50%。“We’ve reinforced the confidence of the trading community in our technology,” says Antoine Shagoury, the former American Stock Exchange CIO who joined LSE in 2010 and was promoted from CIO to COO in 2012. The group in May completed the purchase of 58 percent of LCH.Clearnet Group for as much as €536 million ($700 million), signaling some new strategic directions. In February, LSE bought 67 percent of €5 million-in-revenue trading and posttrade software company GATElab. “The technology market was driven first by very aggressive trading and investment strategies,” says Shagoury, 43. “Now we are modernizing the tail end. We’re taking our traditional strengths in transaction services and expanding to information and posttrade services.” Information services revenue jumped 40 percent in the year ended March 31, to £360 million ($565 million), while total revenue rose 7 percent, to £726 million. |
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