在4月份的平均日,在Globex电子平台上交易了1010万元的衍生品销售市场上的1160万合约(较同期的8%)。在1992年推出时的技术突破,仍然具有微秒级交易速度的效率,Globex是“我们所做的大部分发动机,”Phupinder Gill,5月份为首席执行官送到首席执行官2012. So ingrained and reliable has Globex become that “we generally don’t talk about it,” adds the 52-year-old. “It has been assumed away,” just as the once-complicated functions of desktop operating systems have been reduced to simple mouse clicks. But there is nothing trivial about what CME’s technology is enabling. After focusing primarily on futures product development in the 20th century, says Gill, the Chicago-based exchange operator has spent the 21st century concentrating on distribution and “improving the customer experience.” CME reaches 150 countries thanks to Globex and partnerships with the likes of Bursa Malaysia and Mexico’s Bolsa Mexicana de Valores. A six-year-old alliance with Brazil’s BM&F Bovespa led to the April completion of the multi-asset-class Puma Trading System, CME technology’s entrée into equities. The company is expanding in London this year with the new CME Europe exchange. |
<11.罗伯特戈德斯坦|回到文章|13。Anna Ewing.>