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Deep Thoughts from the Valuex Vail Conference

在五篇文章中的第一个文章中,Vitaliy Katsenelson看着来自其价值X Vail会议的想法。

valyx vail结束了。我组织的这次投资会议的三天可能是我最刺激的是我的三天。今年是一个大约40个顽固的价值投资者组装在美丽的Vail,科罗拉多州。这不是你的典型,花园多样性会议。所有与会者都应该在那里。我故意保持会议小,而且是一个不是用于学习的活动。与会者必须申请参加,他们真的被你的手工选择,并且会议的所有内容都是与会者生成的。三天沃尔沃尔进入一个价值投资者分享想法和学习的地方:21多个三天的演讲为思想提供了很多食物。

We only have room for one idea per two attendees and every attendee has to be willing to present (this is the cost of admission). As a producer of the conference, I get an interesting look into the stock market, because I get to pick the 21 best and most diverse ideas.

This year, as the conference was approaching and the market was hitting new highs, I heard a lot of “Here is my least bad idea.” With the present global macro backdrop, it is becoming increasingly difficult to put together a diversified portfolio of stocks that has an appropriate margin of safety.

但这是与valyx vail的eth持有。我不像是一个“想法生成”会议 - 我可以从与我的大型价值投资者网络交谈时获得想法。相反,会议的目标是刺激思维,促进讨论和挑战持有人。即使我不同意演示文稿的论文,只要它让我思考这个问题,即使是成功。

一个完美的例子:哈钦森资本管理副总裁兼投资组合经理Patrick Brennan的两次介绍,另一个由Aquitania Capital Management的Cio Christopher Karlin副总裁兼投资组合经理。两者都是优秀的演示那but ironically, they made me realize how little I understand about what seem on the surface to be simple investment vehicles. Patrick and Chris talked about REITs in such great detail and brought out so many analytical data points that I realized I’d have been Warren Buffett’s proverbial “patsy at the poker game” if I had bought them without following this niche for a long time.

看它的另一种方法是把你的肛门ysis of a company as an equation in which each force that impacts the company’s value is a variable. The more complex the equation — the more forces that affect the company’s value — the better you need to understand the company or the industry. If you find you cannot fully understand the impact of different forces or even be sure that you know what all the forces are, you will probably want to put the company on a watch list and follow it for a long time before you commit any capital to it.




MATT S.是一个染色的羊毛价值投资者,但他正在为华尔街的顶级公司之一提供他的股权销售时间,因此要求匿名。在valyx vail,马特为wwe作出了一个非常有趣的案例 - 是的,那是世界摔跤娱乐 - 他的演讲破碎了我认为这是一项运动的天真的概念。

我没有意识到WWE的普及。2012年,180万人参加了其现场活动,并创造了每周6.5小时的原始编程。根据马特,摔跤是最便宜的流行娱乐形式之一,仅次于前往球场和电影的旅行。Matt认为,WWE的股票的廉价被公司的冒险经历(它呼叫他们的投资)在电影和现实电视中遭到困惑。马特认为,如果新的媒体企业成功,他们将为公司伟大,但如果他们没有,WWE的大多数所有者和首席执行官Vince McMahon会杀死他们。McMahon的大型所有权是公司净肯定的,他迄今为止所做的一切都是股东友好友好的。

马特提到,WWE的真正风险是终极战斗锦标赛(UFC),这是没有上演的。然而,WWE每年的活动近十倍,而WWE活动的出勤率比UFC事件便宜约80%。此外,WWE是比UFC更家居友好的展示。(我很好奇关于从他们的父母告诉他们那个“摔跤”的时候看起来Wwe的孩子们都有“圣诞老人”时刻,虽然你是法官 - 舞蹈剧院。)


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