
Tim Adams带来更尖锐的焦点和柔软的肘部到IIF


Timothy Adams靠在他的华盛顿中心办公室的一座扶手椅上,并提供了他作为国际金融学院负责人,全球金融的顶级游说武器的态度。“我是新的工作,”亚当斯在二月担任总统兼首席执行官职位。“我有很多学习。”

亚当斯在特征上谦虚。The Kentucky native may have no track record on Wall Street or with any of the big banks, insurers and asset managers that pay his salary, but he’s a veteran Washington insider and former George W. Bush administration official who has been involved in financial policy issues for more than a decade. Therein lies his attraction for the institute.

Founded in 1982 by a handful of major banks in response to that era’s budding Latin debt crisis, the IIF grew mightily in stature under former managing director Charles Dallara, who headed the group’s Washington-based staff for two decades, and Josef Ackermann, the ex–Deutsche Bank CEO who served as chairman from 2002 to 2012. When the financial crisis erupted in 2007–’08, the IIF led the global banking and financial services industry in regulatory reform talks with Group of 20 governments. When Greece needed a second bailout last year, Dallara and Ackermann negotiated the 50 percent-plus haircut imposed on private bondholders by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.



如果与政策制定者和监管机构的关系平滑关系,对于维持IIF在Postcrisis世界的相关性至关重要,亚当斯有这项工作的气质和经验。As undersecretary of the Treasury for international affairs from 2005 to 2007, he was a rare voice of global cooperation in an administration known for going it alone: He supported the IMF’s effort to launch multilateral surveillance of such issues as China’s trade surplus and the U.S. budget deficit to assess their impact on other trading partners.


新酋长决心将IIF的焦点集中在少数问题,包括全球资本流动的前景以及新兴市场的贷款状况,现在是其470名成员的40%。Charles Collyns, a former assistant secretary of the Treasury and deputy chief economist at the IMF whom Adams recently recruited as chief economist, plans to increase the frequency of the institute’s forecasts of capital flows, to a quarterly basis, and reduce its emphasis on country reports, an area where private banks and the IMF provide better and timelier information. “The challenge is to think about what we can do to add value,” says Collyns.

亚当斯希望研究所要塑造关于其他大型主题的辩论,例如如何将金融服务扩展到世界上的25亿个unbanked人员以及数字技术如何改变银行业务,如彻底改变音乐业务。这些事项将辩论IIF的年度会员会议本周在华盛顿,一个拥有全明星阵容的禁手,包括Blackrock Ceo Laurence Fink,Jamie Dimon和印度储备银行的新总督Jamie Dimon和Raghuram Rajan。


