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The 2013 Pension 40


When the city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy protection in July, the cannon shot was heard from coast to coast. States and municipalities across America are suffering major budget shortfalls; not since the 1970s have U.S. civic finances felt so tenuous. Rising pension costs are a big contributor to the problem. Combined with the 2008 economic collapse and its aftermath, those expenses have put the entire $7 trillion defined benefit retirement system and millions of workers and retirees in jeopardy.

Against that backdrop亚博赞助欧冠has compiled its inaugural ranking of the 40 most important players in the fight for — and against — defined benefit pensions. The Pension 40 covers not only public pensions but corporate and Taft-Hartley, or multiemployer, plans. After more than six months of research and reporting, we identified the people who are doing the most to tackle the pension problem, including reformers with new ideas.

The 2013
Pension 40Click name to view ranking profile.
Rank 名称/公司
1 Randi Weingarten
2 Rahm Emanuel
3 John andLaura Arnold
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
4 Joshua Gotbaum.
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.
5 大卫靴子
Boies, Schiller & Flexner
6 Damon Silvers
7 Kevyn Orr
8 Laurence Fink
9 汤姆哈林
10 Randy DeFrehn
National Coordinating Committee for Multiemployer Plans
11 吉娜莱蒙多
12 凯特琳长
Morgan Stanley
13 Phyllis Borzi
U.S. Departmentof Labor
14 Carl DeMaio
U.S. House of Representatives
15 Jordan Marks
National Public Pension Coalition
16 凯文de León
17 orrin hatch.
18 Daniel Loeb
Third Point
19 Joshua Rauh
Stanford Graduate School of Business
20 泰德惠勒
21 Keith Ambachtsheer
University of Toronto
22 苏珊urahn.
Pew Charitable Trusts
23 Damon Thayer
Kentucky Legislature
24 Christopher Klein
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of California
25 David Blitzstein.
United Food and Commercial Workers International Union
26 Chuck Reed
San Jose
27 Mark Iwry
U.S. Treasury Department
28 Alejandro García Padilla
Puerto Rico
29 Pat Quinn
30 Gary Knapp.
Prudential Fixed Income
31 格雷戈里弗洛伊德
Teamsters Local 237, New York
32 Tom Corbett
33 Alicia Munnell
34 David Oaten
Pacific Global Advisors
35 Chris McIsaac
36 David (Phil) Roe
37 Jack Marco
Marco Consulting Group
38 David Villa
State of Wisconsin
Investment Board
39 Ari Jacobs
Aon Hewitt.
40 Richard Shea

The list spans the political right and left, academics, activists, investment managers and advisers, and elected and appointed officials. Some names, such asAlicia Munnell(No. 33), director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, merit inclusion for their years of work on retirement security. Others, like Detroit emergency managerKevyn Orr(第7号),制作清单,因为最近的事件已经将它们推向养老金磨损。

(点击这里观看IIEditor Michael Peltz discuss the ranking on CNBC's Squawk Box.)

With more than $1.5 trillion in pension assets, public schoolteachers are on the front lines of the defined benefit battle. The formidableRandi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, takes the No. 1 spot in our ranking. Joining Weingarten in the trenches is labor movement stalwartDamon Silvers(No. 6), AFL-CIO special counsel.

In Illinois, Chicago MayorRahm Emanuel(No. 2) is seeking pension reform for his city and his state. In Rhode Island, State Treasurer吉娜莱蒙多(No. 11) pushed through comprehensive changes that have helped open up a second front in the pension wars: the U.S. court system. “Pension reform is one of the two or three most serious economic problems this country is facing,” says大卫靴子(第5号),苏利勒&Flexner律师事业邦主席;他代表了罗德岛。

对冲基金管理人员和活动家支持减少或取代界定福利养老金基金的群体引起了急剧批评;其中最突出的是John Arnold and his wife, Laura(No. 3). In the $2.8 trillion private pension sector, there’s less drama but no less conviction. Would-be peacemakers include California State Senator凯文de León(No. 16), who spearheaded landmark pension legislation. Even on Capitol Hill, not known for its fiscal collegiality, bipartisan efforts to save pensions are under way.

养老金40是在机构投资者编辑团队的方向下创建的。亚博赞助欧冠个人档案是由副主编Ben Baris编写的;高级作家弗朗西斯丹麦,伊莫蒂 - 史密斯和朱莉塞戈尔;编辑研究助理乔治纳赫斯特。

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