
2013年养老金40:Kevyn Orr

    kevyn Orr.

    6月16日,kevyn Orr.,底特律市的应急经理寄给密歇根州州长理查德斯奈德的信,推荐了第9章破产保护的自治市文件。底特律的美国汽车行业历史中心不再承受其长期下滑。斯奈德任命ORR - 一名指出的破产律师在2009年度重组中代表了当地卡制造商克莱斯勒集团 - 在委员会成立的委员会后,审查雇用应急经理的城市的恐怖财政。委员会发现底特律的养老金赤字为35亿美元,远远高于以前的思考。劳工代表和养老金受益人在奥尔的信后两天举行了这个数字和城市的第9章提交。紧急经理将赤字的规模列为密歇根应寻求通过破产守则重新排序底特律的一个重要原因。(In late October, Judge Steven Rhodes of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Michigan was deciding Detroit’s eligibility for bankruptcy.) Orr, 54, who grew up in Florida and earned a JD from the University of Michigan, has sought to have the city’s pension beneficiaries treated like regular creditors, making it more likely that they’ll end up with less. He’s also trying to reorganize Detroit’s public pension funds: In September he unveiled a proposal to freeze benefits for existing employees and move new beneficiaries to a 401(k) system.

    <6。达蒙斯·米尔维尔|回到文章|8。Laurence Fink.>
