




连续第三年,郝菲陈上游这个名单。中国国际首都分析师互联网上的第3号首次亮相,为客户留下了“提供独立数据和对部门及其参与者的观点”的能力,称为一个投资组合经理。陈某,36岁是否定的,部分原因是他判断其主要球员之间的利润和市场股票余额“非常不平衡”。Furthermore, he predicts that pricing wars will intensify once the government issues licenses to allow virtual network operators to provide fourth-generation mobile technology services (expected by year’s end), since the telecommunications services companies will be fighting to attract users to fill their additional network capacities. At the same time, Chen explains, once 4G licensing takes place, the government could impose asymmetric regulations, which are designed to forestall monopolization. This move could aid the No. 2 and No. 3 mobile players, by revenue — Hong Kong’s China Unicom (Hong Kong) and Beijing-based China Telecom Corp., respectively — at the expense of No. 1 China Mobile, and “may also trigger more tough competition,” he notes. Another issue for this industry is a value-added tax, slated for introduction next year, that could be more onerous than the revenue tax it is intended to replace, he says, adding that the VAT will very likely hurt Hong Kong–based China Mobile, which currently enjoys high margins. On a long-term basis, Chen recommends that investors prefer China Telecom and China Unicom. “He’s very good at timing the ups and downs of stocks and grasping both the sector trend and individual company financials,” another backer asserts. —Carolyn Koo.