
Treasurer Ted Wheeler Pushes to Improve Oregon’s Pensions

In order to expand Oregon’s retirement net, the state’s treasurer is trying to fix the public pension system and cover private workers.


In May Wheeler backed a measure to establish a task force to review pension possibilities for private sector workers. The issue is not on the radar screen of most state treasurers, but Oregon has a large number of small businesses and start-ups, many of which offer no pension plans to employees. The bill was approved by the legislature and signed into law by Governor John Kitzhaber in August. A key to winning support for the bill was the insertion of an amendment stipulating that any private sector pension solution not “create any financial obligation, liability, or guarantee on the part of private sector employers.” The seven members of the task force are due to be announced shortly; Wheeler will either serve as a member of the task force or appoint a designee.


Wheeler,51,也一直在努力岸上坐在国家现有的公共养老金系统。他养老金改革了他2012年选举活动的基石问题,提议加上生活成本增加,消除税收规则,有效地奖励退役的退休人员。He also suggested lowering the system’s assumed 8 percent rate of return, even though this would increase the state’s $13.2 billion unfunded pension liability, and he pledged — as a member of the $82 billion Oregon Investment Council, which oversees the pension fund and other state assets — to reduce costs and improve risk management.

Keeping true to his word, in January惠勒提出了一项投资现代化法案that would transform the pension fund by giving the OIC more autonomy and resources to manage the fund, which the treasurer regards as key to bringing down costs. The proposed model is similar to that used by Canada’s main publicpension funds,尤其是129加元数十亿n ($121 billion) Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. Currently the state pays about 78 cents in management fees for every $100 in assets and manages only 19 percent of those assets in-house. The state of Washington, which manages about 30 percent of its $91.4 billion in assets in-house, pays some 68 cents per $100 in fees, whereas Wisconsin, which manages approximately 58 percent of its $94.4 billion itself, pays 38 cents.

The bill did not make it to the floor of the legislature this year. It will, however, be resubmitted in 2014, and OIC chair Keith Larson has said he has received assurances it would be voted upon then. A managing director with Intel Capital, the venture capital arm of the semiconductor maker, Larson believes the reforms are essential to the future of the pension system, and he lauds Wheeler for supporting them, even though the changes would curb the treasurer’s power. “This is one of those rare opportunities where you have someone in political office who is willing to do the right thing, even if it is somewhat to his detriment,” says Larson. “That is a huge positive.”


Wheeler’s work on pension reform, both public and private, earned him a slot — at20号- 在亚博赞助欧冠首次排名40 most important people in the defined benefit pension reform debate。俄勒冈州原生的本科学位来自斯坦福大学经济学,来自哥伦比亚大学的MBA,以及来自哈佛大学的公共政策。他最近谈过亚博赞助欧冠高级作家Imogen Rose-Smith关于他的养老金目标:

亚博赞助欧冠机构投资者:Why were those two bills — to establish a retirement savings task force and the investment modernization bill — so important?





The main reason we are doing this is, we have to be able to better manage our portfolio. Not only do we need to be able to assess risk by insourcing; we also need to be able to give the Oregon Investment Council the latitude to be able to hire the people they need to hire and give them the license to put in the systems they need to manage an $82 billion investment portfolio. The treasury is viewed as being just another public agency, but we are close to being a private sector enterprise in that we compete head to head with Wall Street, and we need the resources to be able to compete.

Is this a form of privatization?


What are some of the pension governance arrangements you see out there that provide a model for how the OIC could operate?

加拿大人pension fundshave been way ahead of the U.S.pension fundsin terms of governance models. The state of Wisconsin has a model very similar to what we are trying to create in Oregon.

The proposals in the Investment Modernization Act have similarities to what officials overseeing the $45 billion New York City pension system have tried to do. Their effort failed. What makes you feel Oregon will be more likely to succeed?







当我们看看俄勒冈州的人口统计,我们担心。我们正在致力于商业界的广泛利益攸关方 - 金融服务业,公众以及我办公室的人们 - 看看我们是否可以找到私营部门的一些新的退休选择。




When we look at who in Oregon works in the private sector but does not have access to a retirement plan, it is largely single women heads of households, minorities and people who work for small businesses. If we can start to identify who is not being included in the current retirement security universe, it starts to give us some idea of what strategies we might be able to employ to help solve the problem.