但保诚退休,纽瓦克的一个部门,New Jersey–based Prudential Financial, learned that annuities have plenty of fans after surveying participants in its plans with a guaranteed retirement income option. Of the more than 2,300 respondents, those who had chosen such in-plan programs said they were highly satisfied, citing “upside market potential, retirement income protection during down markets, flexibility, and lifetime guaranteed income,” according to a 2012 Prudential report. The authors also point to a 2011 poll of plan participants by consulting firm Towers Watson in which more than half of respondents said they’d pay higher fees for guaranteed retirement income.
The DoL guidelines seem intended only to cover a sponsor that selects an out-of-plan annuity for participants or gives them a range of choices; once a selection is made, the plan transfers the employee’s assets to the annuity. An in-plan annuity that may have to pay out benefits for 30 or 40 years is a different matter.
“不幸的是,许多计划赞助商虽然有兴趣提供终身收入解决方案,但在没有明确的安全港的情况下不愿承担这一责任[规则]概述应该如何实现,”西雅图 - 退休收入解决方案总监Jeff Eng说 -基于资产经理Russell Investments。ENG表示,他与提供商的谈话使他说明了DOL预计赞助商对自己的尽职调查或雇用专家。“如果DOL提供明确的安全港,我希望看到采用这些解决方案的增加,”他补充道。(DOL没有评论是否将修改其指导方针。)
Aon Hewitt will offer guidance to fiduciaries that make the ultimate decision on annuities, says Steve Shepherd, a Norwalk, Connecticut–based partner with the consulting firm’s Hewitt Ennis-Knupp division, which helps plan sponsors with de-risking and asset distribution. Defined contribution sponsors have gone from requesting information about annuities to seeking aid in offering them, Shepherd notes. He suggests that sponsors treat an in-plan annuity like any other asset by asking their investment adviser to take on the job of fiduciary.
然而,最大的三个investment advisers- 保真投资,太平洋投资管理有限公司和T. Rowe Price - 即使他们向界定的缴费计划管理数万亿美元,也不为计划生育为单位提供服务。The Big Four Accounting公司也是如此:Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,Ernst&Young,KPMG和PricewaterHouseCoopers。
参与者通过大型雇主购买年金来获得更好的交易。但对于赞助商来说,LabRecque认为捍卫法院的年金选择的成本可能超过员工的利益 - “特别是当你认为计划赞助商从界定的捐助战略开始界定的原因,就是脱节。“•
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