花旗四重奏杰里米哈莱,根据纽约的金钱经理说,这在第三名第三名首次亮相,产生了“非常有周到的宏观经济前景”,这很好地解释了很多洞察力的背景下,“据一位纽约的货币经理称。在伦敦工作的战略师,看看当地乐观的原因很少。相反,他们告诉投资者将资金投入新兴市场,特别是中国的股票,而在美国,在HALE说,这是比欧洲的“越来越经济衰退和更好的恢复”。The team’s best idea for Europe is a tactical trade that’s a combination of being long euros and front-end rates in Europe, given the currency’s medium-term position of strength against the dollar, the pound and the yen, on the belief that core fixed income in Europe will outperform core fixed income in the U.S. —Carolyn Koo. |
Francisco Blanch,Barnaby Martin&Team美国银行Merrill Lynch