



Olli Rehn, the European Union’s commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, said he and his EU colleagues had received “plenty of advice” from IMF and U.S. officials about slowing deficit reduction and stimulating growth and jobs, but he insisted that those ideas were out of date. The 17 countries in the euro area will reduce their structural budget deficits by about 0.75 percent this year, half the pace of 2012’s 1.5 percentage point cut, Rehn said. By contrast, he noted, the U.S. is expected to reduce its structural deficit by some 1.75 percent thanks to the increase in payroll taxes at the start of the year and the automatic spending cuts known as the sequester.

Rehn’s boss, European Commission president José Manuel Barroso, underscored the softer budgetary stance in a Brussels speech just after the Washington meetings, saying the austerity agenda that has reigned in the EU since the bloc’s debt crisis erupted three years ago “has reached its limits.” And on April 26, the commission gave its blessing to a revised economic program by the government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, which pushes back the target for Spain to bring its deficit below the euro area limit of 3 percent of GDP by two years, to 2016.



在会议期间在华盛顿举办的希腊,爱尔兰和葡萄牙欧盟 - 国际货币基金组织救助商的新研究突出了紧缩计划的格仔记录。只有爱尔兰才会收到恢复债券市场准入并提高其竞争力,但增长率比预期和失业率慢 - 预期速度为14.6% - 该研究发现高得多。希腊和葡萄牙尚未出现经济衰退或减少债务水平。这些计划的政治可持续性“仍然是一个仍然开放的问题”,参加的研究共同作者Jean Pisani-Ferry表示,由布鲁塞尔思想坦克布鲁格尔进行。

