全美学生分析师竞争Top 100 Overall部门赢家长alpha.短alpha.网络基准表现优于前100名学生的学校最受欢迎的股票 |
Investing is an art as well as an imperfect science. The intricate juxtaposition of research, timing, incomplete information and John Maynard Keynes's "animal spirits" makes it difficult for even the most notable investors to return a profit, especially given the diffuse peaks and troughs of the economy over the past decade.
那么大学,甚至毕业,学生都没有机会。不要告诉Daniel Mcallister,这是一家位于圣地亚哥大学工商管理学院的28岁的MBA候选人。
麦卡尔特在首先在首先饰演首先亚博赞助欧冠全美学生分析师竞争. A former intern and financial analyst at Jack in the Box corporate headquarters, McAllister is no burger-flipper. He admits to changing his notions about investing to better suit the competition, which ran from September 10 through January. Though a believer in value investing over technical analysis in the long run, McAllister addressed the short-term nature of the contest by adopting a strategy much more prevalent in investing today — he went algorithmic.
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弗吉尼亚大学本科奥尔法大学利用较差的策略构建了一个投资组合,将着名的对冲基金经理和UVA Alum Paul Tudor Jones II自豪。OLFAT,一个19岁的系统工程和金融数学双重专业,采用了宏观方法,利用交易所交易资金播放广泛的市场,进入和脱离行业。
这II全美学生分析师竞争has provided an opportunity for students with a nose for investing to test their mettle against like-minded participants from around the U.S. The investing platform, AlphaSeal, was created by Stamford, Connecticut–based Mark My Media and seeks to represent a professional trading environment. The cloud-based system creates a personal portfolio for each competitor, tracking the equity value, net asset value, and profits and losses on a daily basis, and marking to market all positions, as a prime broker would. To determine the overall ranking,II并将我的媒体编译于六种投资因素上编译的分析数据:净基准表现优于,波动性,资产负债表撞击,净暴露影响,长α和短alpha。
学生每人100,000美元开始他们的投资组合,并且不得不遵循规定T,联邦储备委员会规则指定初始股票购买的50%保证金要求。然后,他们在七个行业中的任何一个行业自由贸易 - 基础材料,资本商品/工业,消费者,能源,金融机构,医疗保健和技术,媒体和电信。贸易书籍在一个专门的服务器中维护,坐在SAS-70安全额定共同定位设施中,类似于这些金融机构使用。
前100名学生的十三名学生来自巴鲁奇学院/城市纽约城市大学Zicklin商学院,最先进的Wasserman交易地板。费城的Drexel University是,前100名竞争对手11名,其次是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀的麦克姆斯商学院,其中有九名削减的学生。来自所有三个的获奖者都在本科课程中。两名MBA课程插入七和六名学生:纽约市福特·商业管理研究生院和康奈尔大学的约翰逊纽约伊特卡岛伊萨卡的大学管理学院。总体上十大学生中的七个目前正在努力为其本科学位努力,如前100名,尽管如此,可以肯定的是,超过70%的竞争对手是本科生。贝叶斯推断分析,一种统计方法,其中用于推导概率的证据,表明研究生竞争对手比本科生更有可能是90%,以在任何一个部门或因子排名中排名前五名或前五名。
USD's McAllister made his first investment in the seventh grade. On the recommendation of his older brother, he bought a few shares of Sun Microsystems, and with the influx of web start-up business boosting technology share prices, found himself with several thousand dollars. An inexperienced investor, as most 13-year-olds tend to be, McAllister then watched it all disappear when the bubble burst. He was drawn to learn more about the markets. McAllister would go on to hone his understanding at the University of Minnesota, earning a bachelor's degree in finance and international business.
这algorithm pointed to undue optimism in Celsion Corp., a Lawrenceville, New Jersey–based oncology drug development company. In mid-December, McAllister took action and shorted the stock, and on the final day of the competition, one of the company's drugs, ThermoDox, an experimental liver cancer treatment, failed a late-stage trial. The stock price plummeted over 80 percent on the day, and McAllister's bet paid off, securing him the top spot in the competition.
经过that metric, Chen Li of Fordham University's GBA outdistances the field. Li, 23, beat the benchmark by 1.29 percent a day, on average, with an incredible net portfolio return of 112 percent. The Beijing-born Li, who studies quantitative finance and technical analysis at the Bronx-based school, looked to take advantage of a very volatile market. He spends several hours a day following the news and markets, and used his insight to home in on Acadia Pharmaceuticals as a long position. Li scored big with a bet on the San Diego–based biopharmaceuticals company when one of its products passed through an important phase of testing in late November. This trade helps Li, who finishes 12th overall, earn the second spot in long alpha.
Baruch的Zicklin School的Manuel Cifuentes,在这一类别中出现在这类上,骑乘Penny Stock全球通信,欧文,加利福尼亚州的医疗设备制造商和营销公司。该股在每股股价下跌1美分,其中一个财务专业,在1月底拿起它并升至4美分。回报虽然不大,但是Brooklyn出生的学生一致。
短alpha代表了投资者的时间股票价格下降的能力;犹他州的Doug Daniels Of Ut Austin优于任何其他学生的比例超过了这一因素。短途股市一直在新闻中,纽约歌舞团威廉·康斯威廉·威廉·威廉·康普尔方资本管理已经采取了一个非常公开的营养补充公司康宝莱。这种做法比持有长位置的风险风险,因为潜在的损失是无限的,因此被认为是更先进的机动。鼓励学生尝试短缺,如果他或她没有这样做,那么短alpha排名被加权自动绑定参与者的最后一个地方。少于30%的参与者尝试短职位的事实可能与财务课程中的缺乏关注说话。
伊斯汀的Kelly Kamm教授说,她的学生接触到短路的概念。Kamm在McCombs学校领导金融分析师计划。通过实际经验和高级研究,设立课程以进一步发展有才华的本科生的分析和建模技巧。这些学生还担任德克萨斯大学MBA投资基金的研究生组合管理人员的研究分析师,增长和价值投资组合,管理层的资产约为1300万美元。
在研究生阶段,康奈尔大学约翰逊Lakshmi Bhojraj, executive director of the Parker Center for Investment Research, says mechanisms are in place to aid in the development of promising candidates at her school. Students there run the approximately $8 million Cayuga MBA Fund, facing requirements similar to those that equity managers do — board meetings on stock pitches and asset allocation. Robert Fuest, COO and head of investment at New York–based Landor & Fuest Capital Managers, finds it necessary for students to gain trading experience. "I think there has to be [this practical education] in the world we live in today because there aren't as many slots open" and corporations are demanding more of new hires, says Fuest, an adjunct professor at Fordham's business school.
康奈尔约翰逊的二十八岁Simeon Iheaghwam是借助苹果的少数五名前一名学生之一。Brooklyn本地人在Facebook中耦合了很长的位置。虽然Menlo Park,基于California的社交网络公司的股票最初暴跌,遭到灾难性的2012年5月首次公开发行,他们在2012年9月的竞争过程中反弹,但Iheagwam对他的投资收入近50%。
Iheagwam的成功是以与整体胜利者的普遍不同的方式实现。然后,没有预定义的投资者化妆。像细节的关注和批判性思维的特点是自然比懒惰和忘记转化为积极的回报,但好的想法可以来自任何地方。Michael Jimney是几个Baruch学生之一,借此机会实施他们在布鲁斯卡米希教授教室学习的教训。吉姆尼是一名来自纽约奥赛宁的22岁的金融学生,他们整体完成第九次,将宏观观与繁忙的时间表平衡工作,学校和俱乐部定居在他的投资组合中。他正在寻找机会测试他的技术分析技巧,识别一些有希望的股票并让他们运行。吉米尼在整个部门多样化,能源,金融机构和电信自动发动机关 - 半长,半短暂,以降低风险和对冲他的投资组合。虽然他的个人股票选择很好,但Jimney在11月中旬延长了SPDR标准普尔500指数的信任,以试图从他对整体市场的积极展望中获利。“我认为这将超越大多数试图积极管理他们的投资组合的其他人,”他说:“因为试图击败标准普尔足够努力,足以让专业经理人。”
今天的财务学生是明天的投资组合经理和研究分析师。虽然他们中的大多数都无法获得令人难以置信的速度和高位高频交易员的权力,但学生比以往任何时候都更加装备,为金融的职业做好准备。信息流量超过此前所知的率,而且 - 作为德克萨斯大学在奥斯汀大学的奥斯汀在本次比赛中表现出现 - 即使在本科课程中,教授也希望在课程中介绍现实世界申请。总体获奖者Mcallister去了算法路线;他的亚军使用了宏观策略来规划他的投资。最终,alpha是重要的。明天的金融家需要弄清楚如何到达那里 - 如果是第一个结果亚博赞助欧冠全美学生分析师的竞争是任何迹象,似乎他们在右脚旁边。