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Investors could learn from the different responses to crises by central bankers in emerging markets and the U.S.

一个lthough the U.S. historically has lectured emerging-markets policymakers, it might be time for the U.S. to be the student. Comparing the policy responses of Asian governments to their financial crisis in the late 1990s with the U.S.’s response to its financial crisis generates a stark contrast.


亚洲政策响应阐述所谓的华盛顿共识。尽管经济衰竭,所需的央行需要徒步旅行率,以保留和吸引资本流入。最终需要货币贬值来保护保留,并改善外部余额(通过降低进口,增加的出口和增加的资本流入)。财政赤字急剧下降。允许或强制违约,允许破产金融和企业机构。甚至有政治反应 - 泰国总理和印度尼西亚的总统失去了职位。请记住,尽管基于美元的GDP和股票市场跌幅约为50%,但仍然提出了这些痛苦的政策选择。


Despite being the source of the Washington consensus, U.S. authorities implemented completely opposite policies when the 2008 crisis hit. The Federal Reserve reduced interest rates and embarked on experimental balance-sheet expansions, which are ongoing. Bank debt was guaranteed. Worse, off-balance-sheet derivative liabilities of banks were guaranteed in secret, with the Fed lending $16 trillion to prevent a run on derivatives. Fiscal deficits were expanded.

Though one could perhaps justify such behavior if it were conditioned on the fiscal authority getting its act together — “We’ll give you the liquidity, but you have to address your solvency by controlling your budget and the banks” — there was nothing of the sort. The central bank is, in fact, rewarding political authorities by lending at suppressed interest rates indefinitely and indirectly creating too-big-to-fail banks. Perhaps most worrisome, there has been virtually no political fallout (excepting the now seemingly coopted Tea Party and Occupy movements).


I should note that although I have only mentioned the Asian crisis, there were similar policy responses to crises in Eastern Europe, Northern Europe and Latin America. If one listens to authorities in “hard-money” countries such as Germany and the Netherlands, this divergence in crisis responses puts the U.S. in a potentially isolated position.


底线是外国中央银行不仅仅是购买黄金。他们还在购买分享其政策框架的国家的债券。请注意,许多这些债券由基于商品出口的外部盈余国家发布。从某种意义上说,中央银行正在获得其国家将来所需的商品支持的收益率。Similarly, for U.S. investors, if the dollar is not as likely to have the same purchasing power as it does now to buy a barrel of oil in the future, shouldn’t some portion of their wealth be in bonds from countries with strong policy mixes, backed by commodities for which future demand seems fairly certain?

Eric Fine是一名常规董事,Van Eck Global在纽约和Van Eck不受约束的新兴市场债券基金的投资组合经理。
